Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturday, March 30, 2019:
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you are focused more on loving Me and following My Commandments, so you do not offend Me with your sins. Even if you should find yourself in sin, you can come to Me in Confession, and I will forgive your sin. Then I can restore your soul to its former way in My good graces. Do not just be ashamed of your sin, but you need to run to the confessional to get right with My love. Only receive Me in Holy Communion without mortal sin on your soul. If couples are living in fornication, it is not a good confession if you continue to fornicate. Either get married in My Church, or refuse to have sex. Reserve having relations until you are married. In the Gospel I told of two people who came to church to pray. The Pharisee told himself how he obeyed My laws and gave to the collection. He was thankful that he was not like other sinners, but he was spiritually proud, instead of being humble in My holy place. The tax collector remained in the back of the synagogue, and he asked Me to forgive him, a sinner. He bowed his head and kneeled praying as he beat his chest in humility. The tax collector went away justified in his humble prayer, but the Pharisee was not humble. This is how I want all of My people to pray in asking for My forgiveness, and living a humble life without bragging. Be thankful for your gift of faith, and show Me your sincerity by loving Me and all of your neighbors in your daily prayers and actions.”
Source: ➥