Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Thursday, April 4, 2019: (St. Isidore)
Jesus said: “My people, it is only for the sake of My faithful that I have not brought destruction down upon your people. There are many depraved and stiff-necked people who ignore Me, and who kill their children by abortion. You also are killing your older people by euthanasia, and both of these killings are done for money. You have many corrupt people who only think about money as their only god. In the end your corrupt money will fall, and many who sought money, will be left bankrupt when your stock market and money fall. I will separate the evil people from My faithful at My refuges. Then the evil ones will go down into the pit of hell for their punishment. My faithful need to give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for them.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a big push by the opposition party to do away with your Electoral College that was set up in your Constitution to give equal weight to the states with less population. The whole US Senate gives two senators to each state. To have an election by popular vote would give too much power to just a few well populated states. This was set up by your founding Fathers, and pray that their intention for fairness is upheld.”
Jesus said: “My people, many people have seen the ‘Unplanned’ movie and it has become more popular. This movie is about a director of a Planned Parenthood building that did many abortions. This lady decided to leave her position when she was asked to participate in an abortion. It is a little graphic, but people need to see how they are killing My babies at Planned Parenthood. This is a big business of billions of dollars. Pray to stop abortion and keep protesting at these places with your rosaries to help save My babies.”
Jesus said: “My people, those people who are protesting at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, are praying to defend the lives of My babies from being killed. The doctors are making huge amounts of money by killing babies. The mothers are denying their babies from seeing life, which they were meant to see. This is killing against My Fifth Commandment, and the doctors, mothers, and supporters will pay dearly for their crimes. Try to give time to protest for the babies, and you could possibly help save some babies from being murdered.”
Jesus said: “My people, this latest effort by the opposition party to investigate your President, has found no collusion with Russia. The Mueller Report was backed by a dossier paid for by the opposition party on false pretenses, and it deserves an investigation of its own. All the members of this report were on one side, and its results are very biased. Once the report is released, you will see it was intended to remove your President based on false claims. This venture has only served to divide your country. Pray for your country to have peace, without all the hate of the opposition party.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you are aware that the Medicare program was meant to help people over 65 with their health care costs. You have Medicaid and welfare programs to help the poor. By tearing down the fabric of Medicare, this is another tactic to try and overwhelm your government with a cost that could ruin your whole health care program. There are some people who want to take over your government, and they think that by overspending your National Budget, they can bring down your government for a communist takeover.”
Jesus said: “My people, Satan and the demons are bringing hate and division into all parts of your society. You can see this hate in your politics, and in the persecution of Christians who are voicing peace and love. Pray for peace in your society and let My love overcome Satan’s message of hate. I even asked My faithful to love your enemies, which takes an extra grace. Do not continue dividing people, but reach out to bring My love to everyone.”
Jesus said: “My people, in every life you can see the effect of sin on your life and on the lives around you. This is why it is important to come to Confession to put your life back in My good graces, so you can live the holy lives that I desire for you. The more you sin without repenting, the deeper Satan will lead you away from Me. I love you, and I want you to love Me, but sin drives a wedge between us. Do not let Satan keep you from coming to Confession where your soul can be replenished with My sanctifying grace. You need to have a clean soul from sin to help your love relationship with Me grow. By daily prayer and obedience to My laws, you can grow in My love. You need to seek heaven by giving your will over to Me, so you can be focused on your goal of being with Me for all eternity.”
Source: ➥