Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019: (St. Stanislaus)
Jesus said: “My people, in St. John’s Gospel I told the Jews that before Abraham came to be, I AM. You read in the first reading how I changed Abram’s name to Abraham because I was making him a father of nations, and his descendants will be as numerous as the stars of the heavens. I existed for all time before Creation because the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit created the universe and all that is on the earth. It is hard for man to comprehend how I could create an infinite universe. It is even harder to understand how I could make Myself into a God-man. When Adam and Eve sinned, all of humanity inherited original sin, and a punishment of death. I promised mankind through My prophets that I would come as a Redeemer to save you from your sins. The Jews knew of a promised Messiah, but they did not want to believe that I am the author of all life. They knew I AM represented the Name of God, and they wanted to stone Me for blasphemy. You are about to witness My Crucifixion and death on the cross in Holy Week. I suffered death in reparation for your sins, and I resurrected to heaven because I conquered death and sin. I also have left My Real Presence in My Eucharist so you can receive My Body and Blood at every Mass, because I AM is present to you for all time.”
Jesus said: “My people, every day you have to choose between loving Me or not. Some people offer their will over to Me out of love, and they will be satisfied with Me in heaven. Other people are selfish in running their own lives, and they ignore Me or reject Me outright. Those people, who do not love Me, and do not seek Me for the forgiveness of their sins, are on the wrong road to hell. It is sad when people ignore My love, and do not seek My love. These people are the lukewarm who choose the love of the world over Me. You read the Scriptures about how much I love you, that I even died for your sins. It is true love when a person gives up his or her life for another person. If you truly love Me, then you need to prove it by your actions and good deeds. When you pray daily, visit Me in Adoration, and come to Mass often, you are showing Me that you really care for Me, and love Me.”
Source: ➥