Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thursday, May 30, 2019: (Ascension Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s feast of Ascension Thursday is forty days after Easter, and it is My last appearance to My apostles as I rose up into heaven through the clouds. The two angels told My apostles that I would return among the clouds just as I left them. This occurred on Mount Olivet near Bethany. I also told My apostles to stay in Jerusalem because I was sending the Holy Spirit upon them to give them the grace and courage to go out to all the nations and tell My Good News. In ten more days you will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday, or fifty days after Easter. This commemorates when the Holy Spirit came down upon My apostles and disciples in the form of tongues of fire. A great wind came into the Upper Room as the Holy Spirit came upon them. When you receive the sacrament of Confirmation, you receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, so all of My faithful are called to spread My Good News. Rejoice in this moment of My Ascension into heaven, as you are all awaiting My return.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, today in the readings at Mass you read how I ascended into heaven. In the vision you are seeing a stairway to heaven with clouds all around it. This means I am showing you the way to heaven, and I am calling you to holiness so you will be worthy to enter heaven. If you follow My Commandments of loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself, you will be starting on the first step of this stairway. You also need to repent of your sins and seek My forgiveness. By following the example of My life, you can walk in My footsteps toward heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of your people are claiming that it is the global warming that is causing more violent weather. You are seeing some global warming, but this is happening more from a loss of magnetism in your magnetosphere, than just and increase in carbon dioxide. The earth is getting ready for a shift in the poles, and as this happens, your scientists have seen a 15% loss in the strength of your magnetosphere over the last 200 years. The magnetic North is moving 40 miles a year toward Russia. Pray that you can adjust to these changes, as some of these storms are a punishment for your abortion sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, those people, who live in the center of your country, are suffering one storm after another. On your news, you are seeing all the destruction. You are seeing so much rain, that places along your rivers are flooding. Pray for the victims of these storms because some have lost their homes, and some have died. Even your farm crops could suffer losses from too much rain. You are seeing weather changes all over the world because the sun is stronger due to a drop in your protection from your magnetosphere.”
Jesus said: “My people, as your trade war continues with China, your imports will become more expensive. This could increase some inflation as both of your countries will be dealing with tariffs on your imports. Many people were hoping that a trade deal could be worked out, but your talks have not yielded any success in stopping the tariffs. Pray for a fair resolution of your trade problems.”
Jesus said: “My people, the restrictions on North Korea has prompted them to begin more development on short range missiles. Iran also is suffering from trade restrictions so they are enriching uranium to make bombs. Iran is also threatening to damage oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. China is causing problems by claiming the South China Sea as their own. All of these tensions could lead to a war, so pray that such a war can be prevented.”
Jesus said: “My son, you and your prayer group have been dedicated to constant prayer and Adoration of My Eucharist every week. You are celebrating 47 years of your prayer group and I thank you all for your dedication. It is not easy to keep prayer groups and Adoration of My Host going for so many years. This is another sign how I have been guiding all of you to rely on your prayers. I hear all of your petitions every week, and I will help your people in their problems. Continue to carry on your prayer group and thank your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, for guiding you.”
The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Spirit of love, and you can call on Me to help you in all of your daily trials. My son, you call on My help to write your messages, and I give you the words to evangelize the people. You trust in My help with your travels, and you are using My gift of prophesy. All of your people need to call on My gifts, and use them to spread the messages of Jesus. Do not just think of Me only on Pentecost Sunday, because you pray to Me every time you make the Sign of the Cross, and pray the ‘Glory Be’ prayer. Call on Me often to strengthen your faith, much like I gave courage to the apostles.”
Source: ➥