Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019: (St. Bartholomew)
Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were all chosen by heaven, and it was not easy for them to leave their families and follow Me. They did not realize how important their mission would be to share My very words of the Gospel to all the nations. They were given the gifts of the Holy Spirit to speak different languages, and they had gifts of healing, and some could even raise people from the dead. They also had protection from the demons and could exorcize demons out of people. I sent them out two by two to spread My message of love. Today, I am also calling on My new apostles of the end times to save souls, and prepare the people for the Warning and the tribulation of the Antichrist. All of My original apostles, except St. John, were persecuted and martyred for My Name’s sake. So in the end times My apostles will also be persecuted, and some may be martyred as well. I am having My refuge builders prepare safe havens for My faithful to come and be protected by My angels. I will separate the good people at My refuges, from the evil people who will be killed and cast into hell with My Comet of Chastisement. Trust in My power as I will protect My apostles and My faithful at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, socialism is giving more power over to the federal government, and it eventually takes away all of your freedoms guaranteed by your current Bill of Rights. One of the most flagrant loss of rights in socialism is the acceptance of atheism and the loss of your right to worship Me. You can see how the devil promotes socialistic communism because it will push Me out of your churches. You see socialists who want free health care and education paid for by the government. Medicare for all and free college for everyone would cost more money from your taxpayer. Right now the middle class pays most of the taxes and has voting rights. In a true communist government, you would lose your right to vote, and the party leaders would benefit the most. Capitalism allows you to have the reward of your work, and you keep your freedoms according to your Constitution. Your people have had their freedoms too long to give them up over to the socialist communists. Pray that your people continue to vote against communist tactics. The worst thing about communism, is that the socialists hope their constant lies will be believed as true when you hear it over and over on your media. Pray to keep your Christian faith, and vote against your atheistic socialist plans for taking over your country.”
Source: ➥