Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Friday, October 11, 2019
Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday, October 11, 2019: (St. John XXIII, Pope)
Jesus said: “My people, the demons are constantly tempting you with earthly things to distract you from loving and adoring Me. The demons want you to love and adore the gods of this world as sports, money, and buying new things. The demons never sleep or take vacations, so they will be tempting you your whole life. Do not be afraid of them because I give you your guardian angel and My graces from the sacraments to help you. If you fall into sin, I will forgive you if you repent of your sins in Confession to the priest. Cleansing your sins will prepare you to receive Me in Holy Communion, when My graces will heal the effects of your sins, and give you the spiritual gifts to fight the demons’ temptations. I can offer you heaven and My constant love. The demons will only hate you and lead you into the eternal flames of hell. So do not give in to loving things, but love your Savior who brings you love and joy in this life and in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My son, I gave you two messages: one was of the left leaning opposition protesters who would cause riots in the streets, and the other was about the President calling up the Marines to help in your country. You can now see the connection to have the Marines ready to stop any civil unrest, or a coup attempt to try and take over the government. These left activists will stop at nothing to try and remove your President from his office. Look for more violence by such left groups at more rallies for the President’s re-election campaign. Pray for the safety of your President, and that the communists will not take over your election in 2020.”
Source: ➥