Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday, February 6, 2022:
Jesus said: “My people, in both the first reading and the Gospel you see people being called to preach the Word of God. In the case of St. Peter, I called him to set out into the deep water for a catch of fish. Simon told Me that they had fished all night without catching anything. But Simon put out the nets for a catch, and they caught a large number of fish that filled two boats to nearly sinking. At such a miraculous catch, Simon confessed to be a sinful man for doubting My Word. Then I told him he would now be a fisher of men for Me as My disciple. Many people need to confess their sins to Me, especially when they doubt My Word and My power. I reach out to call those people who want to follow Me and spread My Word about the rest of the people. I am looking for some faithful believers who want to say, yes, in choosing Me. Some want to be evangelists, but others refuse to do My work. My believers will be rewarded, but those people, who reject Me and My mission, will suffer punishment. Pray for the gift of belief in My Word, and you can be one of My missionaries. Just as I called My disciples in My time on earth, so I am calling all of those people who want to come forward in today’s time. Trust in My power that you could be a good evangelist.”
Jesus said: “My people, by various news reports you learned of all of the means that the Democrats used to multiply their votes. In many districts the cheating was so bad that these districts reported up to 50% more votes than were registered. Dead people voted, fake ballots were used, and Democrat votes were duplicated in the machines up to three times. On top of all of this cheating of votes that were added up to five days after the election, you had foreign governments, as China, hacking into your vote counting centers with your Dominion machines that were open to the internet for hacking to be possible. Your Republicans think they can win in the mid-term elections, but if your election fraud is not corrected, there will be no landslide victory for them. This is how the socialists fight to win by using any means possible, including all manners of cheating. Even the socialists in Venezuela use the same Dominion machines to cheat for winning. Your freedoms hinge on how you can have fair elections without cheating. Pray for fair elections, but if nothing is done about the cheating, the communists will take you over.”
Source: ➥