Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, September 3, 2023
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of August 23 to 29, 2023

Wednesday, August 23, 2023: (St. Rose of Lima)
Jesus said: “My people, there are no gray areas or a third choice in loving Me, but you are either with My love on the right side, or you are living in the territory of the devil on the left side. This vision is very clear that there are only two choices for all eternity. In the Parable of the owner of a vineyard, you see My generosity in giving the same wage to those who only worked one hour compared to those people who worked the whole day. This message is not about the fairness of money, but it represents how I am willing to save every soul from hell, even if that person comes to Me on their death bed. You do not want to see any soul lost in hell, but evangelize people before their last hour, so they do not risk falling into hell by missing My call. You only have one life to be with Me, so take advantage of My generosity and seek to have your sins forgiven in Confession, and then come to receive the glory of your Master in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that you will see a lot more persecution of Christians as you get closer to the tribulation. You could see another lock down with another pandemic virus that will close your churches again. You will also see divisions in the Church over a coming Mass that will not have the proper words of Consecration. It will be a difficult time for My daily Mass people. You will be criticized for not following the new health protocols. Your money could be taken away when they try to implement the digital dollar. Refuse to take any new vaccine for any reason because it could kill you. Refuse to take the mark of the beast for any reason as well. When your lives are threatened, I will call you to My refuges. You will see My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion come first. Then you will be called to My refuges and you will remain there throughout the tribulation. Your priest will give you a proper Mass and daily Holy Communion. Once you are at My refuges, the new virus and the war will be brought down on the earth by the Antichrist. Have no fear because at My refuges, you will be protected by My angels from any virus and any war. You will have My multiplied food, water, and fuels for your survival. I will be with you every day in your Perpetual Adoration.”
Thursday, August 24, 2023: (St. Bartholomew, apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was calling My apostles to be with Me for three years of My public ministry of healing and evangelizing souls for My Kingdom. Today, I am gathering My apostles of the end times to be prepared at their refuges for the less than 3½ years of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You will first see My Warning followed by the six weeks of Conversion that will not have any evil influence. After the six weeks, My faithful need to get rid of all of your internet devices as cell phones, computers, and monitors so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist. If you look at his eyes, he could cause you to worship him. I will be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges so you will be protected from viruses and wars by My angels. At My refuges I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. You will also have a consecrated Host in a monstrance so your people can adore Me around the hours of the clock. Have no fear because My angels will put an invisible shield over you so people will not see you. All of My believers will have a cross on their foreheads by My angels, and your refuge angel will prevent any non-believers from entering your refuge. You will remain within the grounds of your refuge throughout the whole tribulation. Trust in My protection because I will bring you into My Era of Peace once I defeat the evil ones, and I will renew the earth.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages on this subject of when to stop using your cell phones. I am repeating what I told you before in case there may be some confusion on this subject. You may need your cell phones after the Warning and during the six weeks of the Conversion time to help convert your family to be true believers in Me. There will not be any evil influence during the Conversion time, so you will not be blocked in any conversion efforts. After the six weeks of Conversion you need to get rid of your cell phones, computers, and monitors to avoid looking at the eyes of the Antichrist.”
Jesus said: “My people, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion before you see your lives threatened by a new virus and an expansion of war. After this Conversion time, I will soon call My people to My refuges for My angel protection. I gave you a message, My son, that nuclear weapons will fall on some of your cities, just as some others have seen. My angels will put a shield over My refuges that will protect you from bombs and viruses. I am calling My faithful to My refuges so the evil ones will not harm you, though some may die of martyrdom.”
Jesus said: “My people, My refuges will require having some food, water, and fuels, so I can multiply them for your needs. It is up to My refuge builders to stock up on some food as I called you to make one more trip to the stores before the shelves could be empty, or you may need the mark of the beast to buy any food. My refuge builders have a heavy responsibility to have a water source as a water well, some bedding, some means to heat and cool your house, and an access to a latrine. They also will need to organize your jobs so you will have your needs satisfied. You will also need to have a Perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament with people praying at all times.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to stop planning any more talks after October 1st. You have seen other people receive messages about October that has confirmed My warning. You could see some serious events begin slowly and your media may not report all of the evil that is going on. But be prepared to come to My refuges when I will give you an inner locution. When you are warned, you need to grab what you can and leave your house within twenty minutes. This is so the evil ones cannot force the mark of the beast on you. At My refuges you will be healed of any illness when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”
Jesus said: “My son, every time you have had a practice refuge run, you learned some things that you could do better. You will not use electricity unless you have solar power. You will use your well water and your pull-up lights at night. You will use your stored food to make your meals, as I want you to make soups from your dried vegetables, meats, and pasta for at least two meals. I will be there to multiply what you need during the tribulation, but this refuge life will be a test for your survival, as you will all help with the jobs.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have given messages to My refuge leaders on how they are to carry out My plans to run your refuges. You remember, My son, how I encouraged you to have a water well put in your ground. Since you were given an inheritance, I also encouraged you to get some on grid solar panels on the second floor roof. You later added a smaller solar system off grid on the first floor roof so you could remove the snow and have year around electricity. I also had you prepare for Mass with an altar, hosts, wine, vestments, and Mass books. I am thankful you carried out all of My directions immediately after I gave them. Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My son, having Perpetual Adoration at every refuge is needed not only for your prayers, but having My Real Presence among you will enable your faith in allowing My miracles of multiplying your food, water, and fuels. Your altar and Mass preparations will also enable you to have daily Holy Communion at the Mass. You can see how it is important to have spiritual and physical preparations for all of your refuges.”
Friday, August 25, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, I read you the two Great Commandments in the Gospel. The first is to love God with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself. By following these Commandments, you will be on the right road to heaven. I am Love Itself and I call you to be like Me in loving Me and everyone else. In the vision you saw people coming to Confession to have their sins cleansed by Me through the priest’s absolution, and I will restore My sanctifying grace to your soul. It is important to come to Confession at least once a month. I know you are all weak to sin, but I can forgive your sins and you can seek My forgiveness. Keep close to Me in your daily Mass and Adoration, even if you have to receive Me in Spiritual Communion.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a spinning fan which is My sign to you of the coming Warning. When I bring My Warning on My people, you will see a brief darkness followed by two suns in the sky. Everyone on earth at the same time will have their Warning experience which is a life review of your whole life. You will pass over your forgiven sins, but you will vividly remember all of your unforgiven sins. You will witness how everyone around you was affected by your actions. This is why the more often you come to Confession, the less sins you will experience in your Warning. After your life review, you will experience a mini-judgment to either heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will also experience being at your destination and physically feel what it would be like to be there. This will be a wake-up call for many people, but you will have no excuse for where you will be sent, because everything you did was approved by your free will. People, who go to hell or see a hell experience, have caused themselves to be sent to that place by their sins and neglect to ask Me for their forgiveness. In the Conversion time after the Warning, you will have a chance to come to Confession to have your souls cleansed. Many people will see how much their sins offend Me and they will understand how necessary it is to come to Me for Confession. My priest sons will be busy all of the time in the confessional. You may need to bring the priest food and water because they will be in demand. Remember the more often you receive messages on My Warning, the closer it will be for it to come. Keep praying your rosaries so your family members will have true faith in Me to be a believer so they can enter My refuges.”
Saturday, August 26, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, do not let pride control your lives, but live humbly in My service. Do not seek to be famous among your peers, but give thanks to Me for all the good things I accomplish through you. Do not seek to be rich in wealth, but only work with what you have to bring up your children in faith in Me. Help your children as a good father in providing for their spiritual and physical needs. Bring your children to Sunday Mass and give them good example by bringing them to monthly Confession. See that they receive My sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, Confirmation, and later to get married in the Church. Be a good grandfather of any grandchildren by encouraging the parents to baptize their children. You are responsible for the souls of your children and your grandchildren, so pray to help save their souls, and be a good example of Christian living to lead them to Me in heaven.”
Sunday, August 27, 2023:
Jesus said: “My people, because My apostles were going to spread My Word, it is important that they know who I AM. I asked My apostles who I AM and St. Peter answered: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’ I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. I then said to St. Peter: ‘You are the rock on whom I will build My Church, and I give you the keys to My Church and the fires of hell will not prevail over My Church.’ It is by these words that I started My Church with St. Peter as the first Pope. You have seen how much My Church has remained throughout the years, since I was on the earth. I love My Church and I have protected My faithful despite many attacks against it. I ask My people to be faithful to Me by attending Sunday Mass and worshiping only Me according to My Third Commandment. You have seen the closing of My churches during the Covid years, but you were able to offer Mass on your internet programs. I am warning you that you will see My churches closed again with the next pandemic virus, and you may not see them opened again as you will soon be experiencing the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear because I will call you to My refuges before your lives will be endangered. At My refuges you will have faithful priests to offer daily Mass and My angels will cover you with an invisible shield so the evil ones will not see you. I will be with you throughout the tribulation with My Real Presence. A priest or My angels will give you daily Holy Communion.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have seen My crucifix and some statues that are oiling as a sign of My Presence. This is holy oil that comes from the blessing of holy people. St. Sharbel was a monk who lived like a hermit, and his body is incorrupt to show the sanctity of his mission on earth. Treasure the oil from his casket and give thanks for all the healing of people through his intercession. You are very familiar with Maureen Marrolly and how wherever she went crucifixes would oil by itself in her presence. You received many vials of oil that were collected from her oiling statues. These are healing oils that should be respected as holy oils that you should share with your friends and relatives for any healing intentions. Give thanks and praise to Me for giving you these healing oils to help your people.”
Monday, August 28, 2023: (St. Augustine)
Jesus said: “My people, I desire that My people pray every day for the saving of souls, especially in your own families. For those people, who have not read of St. Augustine, he had a troubled life in his early years when he was not following Me. It was his mother, St. Monica, who prayed persistently for thirty years until he was converted to the faith. This is a strong lesson in persistent prayer when St. Monica prayed patiently for her son. Some souls require prayer and fasting to be converted. In some cases it takes years of dedicated prayer to bring someone to Me. Do not give up on any soul because I hear your prayers and your intentions. Your wife prayed over forty years for her father’s conversion which happened as he died. It is your persistence and confidence in praying for souls that is well worth your long endurance to keep praying for conversions. Your prayers will not go unanswered as I see the holy intention in your hearts to save difficult souls who are being misled by worldly distractions. Trust in Me so you can convert your family’s souls during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this sword as a sign of the coming persecution of Christians. The evil ones are setting up detention center death camps for the people who refuse to take vaccine shots, and for those who will not take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. With this next pandemic virus, your officials will make a decree that everyone has to have a vaccine shot, and if you do not have proof of your shot, they will take you to the death camps. After the digital dollar is in place, you will soon see another decree that everyone will need to take the computer chip in the body. Before these evil ones will threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion. So refuse to take any vaccine shot, and refuse to take the mark of the beast under any circumstance. I will give you an inner locution that it is time to come to My refuges. I told you to leave your homes within 20 minutes so the evil ones do not force shots or the mark of the beast on you. Trust in My angel protection at My refuges, but be prepared to come quickly to My refuges when soon your lives could be threatened.”
Tuesday, August 29, 2023: (Beheading of St. John the Baptist)
Jesus said: “My people, in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist, you will again see some martyrs who will be beheaded for refusing to follow worldly gods, and they will obey God instead of obeying man. How many people will have the strength to be a martyr for obeying God instead of man? In life you will suffer pain and hardships, but call on Me and I will give you the strength to endure all of your trials in life. Trust in Me to lead you to heaven despite all of your earthly trials and disappointments.”
Source: ➥