Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of January 17 to 23, 2024

Wednesday, January 17, 2024: (St. Anthony of the Desert)
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading about David, you saw how I protected David from the bear, the lion, and even the giant Goliath. It was David’s faith in My power that he was able to be My warrior against the peoples who wanted to destroy Israel. You are seeing in your time how I am still protecting Israel from Iran and its proxies. It is this faith in My power that My faithful will be protected from the Antichrist at My refuges during the tribulation with the help of My angels. Each refuge has a refuge angel, as you have St. Meridia, who will shield you from the evil ones and all of their weapons. So trust in My power that is greater than the Antichrist and his demons. You will be made invisible at My refuges, and I will multiply your needs.”
Jesus said: “My son, I want you to have a luna holder for a Host in case a priest consecrates a Host so you could temporarily place Me in the holder, should a priest want to have Benediction at your house. For a short time it would be a proper holder to place in your tabernacle. This gives My Host a proper temporary place for storing My Real Presence. You are blessed when a priest offers Mass on your altar.”
Thursday, January 18, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you see this little tent for shelter as a sign of how I protect you from harm. You have your guardian angel to direct you to heavenly things and away from bad habits. This tent is also a sign to have your refuges ready to shelter the faithful people who I will bring to your refuge. At My refuges I will have My angels protect you and I will multiply what you need. Each year you have been adding things like your new Lithium batteries and solar panels to provide electricity for your new lamps at night. You add to your food storage so you have few places to store more food. You even add things to your altar and Mass needs. You have carried out all of My instructions for what you need for your independent living accommodations. Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your protection and your needs.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, the war in Israel and in the Ukraine could very easily expand as the United States will be drawn into these wars. Russia is looking for revenge on America for blowing up the gas pipeline to Europe from Russia. They have developed a hypersonic missile that could be sent to your country to cause an EMP attack on your National Grid. Such an attack would shut down your weapon factories. They could also use an EMP attack on your carrier groups as well. This could lead to the fall of your country. You may have to come to My refuges for your protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, I know it would be difficult to put Faraday cages over all of your electric lights, batteries, and your solar systems. In the winter you have little solar power, so you will need your Lithium batteries to power your lamps for light at night. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you knew that electric cars would have problems running in the cold winter. These EV cars lose their efficiency in the cold, and it would take longer to charge if you could find a charging station. It is hard to find enough electricity to run many EV cars and your home use. This is another problem in the summer when you try to run your air conditioners and your EV charging. These EV cars are expensive and hard to charge. They are not selling because some have caught on fire. You will have more gas run cars as the mandate for EV cars will be rescinded.”
Jesus said: “My people, you can see the rich people trying to stop Trump from being elected President. They are trying to put him in jail with four court cases, and they are using judges to try and keep Trump off of the ballot not only in the primaries, but for the regular election as well. These evil ones are doing everything to keep Trump from being elected. Some people are even trying to get the military to stop his powers if he is elected President. Pray that you will have a fair election and pray for My angels to stop the cheating in the elections.”
Jesus said: “My people, your open border is allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter your country, and they are causing many problems with your cities’ infrastructure. This is designed to purposely ruin your country and the open border needs to be closed. Pray that the House can change the open border because it is a major security problem for your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of your businesses are supporting more fossil fuel energy than trying to use ‘Green’ sources as solar and wind. Trying to stop fossil fuel power plants is self-defeating because there is not enough electricity produced with solar and wind. Your economy will choose what is successful and ‘Green’ mandates will be stopped. Pray that your people will see that ‘Green’ energy is not working.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have suggested that people need to have three months of food stored for each person in your household. Your farmers are warning you of a coming food shortage or famine because the rich people and China are buying up your farmland. This will put the control of food supplies in private or government control that will have high prices. Your stores will only be stocked with food as long as their suppliers can keep providing food. When the store shelves are near empty, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels.”
Friday, January 19, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to be loving everyone, even to love your enemies. David told Saul how he could have killed him, but David did not want to kill the anointed of God. Because Saul worshiped other gods and took the spoils of their victory over the Philistines, Saul had his kingship given to David. David was rewarded for his kindness to Saul. My faithful need to follow My Commandments of love, and you too will have your reward. I love all of My people and I give you My words of love in My Gospels. I also showed you My love when I died on the cross to bring salvation to all of those people who accept Me as Savior, and repent of their sins.”
Jesus said: “My people, you will have about 30 minutes to get to My refuges before the hypersonic bombs will go off up in the air. This will be another Pearl Harbor attack without much warning. This will be an EMP surprise attack that will shut down your National Grid and stop your vehicles. My angels will protect My refuges from any EMP effects. The only lights visible at night will come from My refuges. Once My faithful come to My refuges, they will be made invisible to the evil ones, and I will multiply their needs. Every refuge will have a Perpetual Adoration with a consecrated Host from a priest at Mass, or from My angels. My refuge builders have prepared food, water, fuels, and beds which will be multiplied. You will live a new life at My refuges. Trust in My protection.”
Jesus also said: “My people, I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution so you will have time to be led to My refuges by your guardian angels. This will come after the Warning and the Conversion time of six weeks. Trust in Me that I will have your angels bring you to My refuges before the bombs go off.”
Saturday, January 20, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some harsh winter weather with snow and deep cold down to 10 F. In other places winds and tornadoes have caused much damage. It is hard to clear ruble out in your harsh weather. You were spoiled with warm weather, and now the cold has set in. You may have a time of a thaw, but the cold weather will return. My son, I have helped you lower your blood pressure to normal with your doctor’s new prescriptions. This is in answer to your prayer for help. Trust in Me to watch over you spiritually and physically.”
Jesus said: “My people, I will send My Warning experience to everyone at the same time, so it could come in night or the day. You saw this car wheel circling around as a sign of My Warning. It will come in a time of chaos, and it may be the last opportunity for souls to be saved. Your best preparation is to come to frequent Confession. You will see your life review and you will remember all of your unforgiven sins. You will have a mini-judgment and you will have a physical experience of being in your destination. You will be warned not to take the mark of the beast and not to worship the Antichrist. After the Warning you will have six weeks for Conversion when there will be no evil influence. This is a time to try and bring your family and friends to be believers in Me so they can enter My refuges. After the Conversion time I will soon call you to My refuges with My inner locution. Have no fear because I will protect you at My refuge and I will provide for your needs.”
Sunday, January 21, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, the Gospel today speaks about the calling of Andrew, Simon, James, and John who were all fishermen. I told them that now they would be fishers of men. You, My son, are seeing this lighted path to follow after Me. I have called you to spread My messages with your website, your books, and your Zoom meetings, and even your prayer group. I love all of My people and I need My messengers to spread My word so many more people could be converted. I thank all of My special people who have answered My call and remain faithful to the missions I have given you. Trust in Me to keep you healthy in mind and soul.”
Monday, January 22, 2024:(Right to Life for unborn,day of prayer)
Jesus said: “My people, your country will pay dearly for all of the millions of babies you have killed by abortion. You have evil people leading your government. They are allowing open borders to ruin your country. Your Supreme Court rescinded your Rowe vs Wade decision to stop abortion for your country, but many blue states have allowed laws to allow mothers to abort their children. How cruel and evil are mothers who are selfish for money or refusing to care for their own children. They can be forgiven if they are sorry for their sin. The sin against the Holy Spirit that will not be forgiven is the refusal to seek My forgiveness. Those souls, who do not repent, could be lost in hell. Those people, who support abortion, will also face a heavy judgment against them for wanting abortions. Pray to stop abortion which is the cruelest abuse of children by killing them. I love the little children so much, and those people, who harm My little ones, should have a millstone placed on their neck and be thrown into the sea.”
Jesus said: “My people, think of how many aborted babies that could be stored in these two 55 gallon blue barrels. This could hold thousands of little babies. These doctors are getting rich on the blood money of aborted babies. How can these mothers kill their own children and they do not feel guilty of their sin? I will forgive them, but they must repent in Confession, or they could be lost forever in hell. Keep praying at the Planned Parenthood clinics to stop the killing of babies. Try to counsel these mothers to have their children and not kill them.”
Tuesday, January 23, 2024: (St Marianne Cope, St. Vincent)
Jesus said: “My people, today you are honoring saints who took care of the sick. It takes a little extra effort and time to visit the sick or take people to the hospital. When you care for the needs of others, you are storing up graces for your judgment. Even if you pray for the sick, you are rewarded for thinking of others. You pray your rosaries every day for the souls in your family, and for the souls in purgatory. Look to help all the souls who are in need in life and in death.”
Source: ➥