Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, August 4, 2024
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of July 24 to 30, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024: (St. Sharbel Makhluf)
Jesus said: “My son, you have a world of wars and people desiring authority over people. You have One Lord and you should have Me at the center of your lives. I am the only One to worship and follow My Commandments. You have chaos and wars because Satan is stirring up hate for other people. I send out My prophets, as you My son, so you can spread My Word in My messages as your mission. It is not easy to have people listen to My prophets, but My prophets are spreading My Word as the Sower spreads his seed of My Word on the various soils. So be like the seed that fell on good soil where My faithful are producing fruit thirty, sixty, and one hundredfold.”
Jesus said: “My son, when I asked you to have your own refuge as your second mission, you did not realize how important it is to have a refuge protected by Me and My angels. It was your ice storm in 1991 when you had your first experience with no electricity in the winter cold for eleven days. You learned how important it is to be able to live independently for several years as during the tribulation. Since you had an inheritance given to you, you could afford a solar system of 34 solar panels for running part of your house on-grid, and an off-grid second system of 12 solar panels for winter power after removing the snow. Both systems are backed up with 12 solar batteries each. I also had you install your own water well that has soft water and low iron. You made some bunk beds and bought some cots for the forty people I told you to prepare for. You have wood for your fireplace, kerosene for your kerosene burners, and propane for your three CampChef ovens for baking bread. You have stored dried food, meals ready to eat, and canned foods. You also have many 55 gallon food grade barrels full of water. You have vestments, books, hosts, and wine for Mass with an altar for your Adoration with a monstrance. You have candles, a tabernacle, and an Easter Candle. I have been giving you instructions on how to set up your refuge when a priest consecrated it. Your messages on setting up refuges have also helped many people in setting up their own refuges. You will need My refuges for your safe havens during the coming tribulation. My angels will help finish up any refuges for what will be needed. So trust in My angel protection and My multiplication of your needs. All refuges will have My luminous cross so you can be healed of any ailments by looking on it. This gives you peace that I will provide for you in the tribulation time. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace later.”
Thursday, July 25, 2024: (St. James the greater, apostle)
Jesus said: “My people, whenever you proclaim My Name and My words, expect that you will be persecuted by those people who do not believe in Me. To be a Christian before 300 A.D. and even now, you are risking your life for My sake. All the martyrs have a high place in heaven. This life is a test whether you will come with Me or with the devil. Those people, who are faithful to Me, will receive their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Be prepared to suffer persecution in this life, but I will protect My believers at My refuges with My angels. Have no fear of the evil ones, as long as you have Me with you. My believers are called to worship only Me, and to strive to convert souls to faith in Me, especially your family. Keep close to Me in your daily struggles, and your reward will await you in heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this bright Light that you are seeing represents My blessing that I am giving to everyone here tonight. I know that My faithful are encountering physical struggles, but I want to assure everyone that when you have Me with you in My Real Presence, you should have no worries. I am protecting you every day. When you receive Me every day in Holy Communion, you have My protection around you. Trust in Me to protect you with My angels.”
Jesus said: “My son, one of My requests to prepare for your next refuge practice run, is that you learn the whole process of preparing the dough and baking the bread. Bread is a staple for your meals and that is why you need to use your recipe to make your bread. Once you are familiar with making bread, you will have confidence to provide bread for your people. Trust in Me to multiply your propane, flour, and yeast so you can keep making your bread throughout the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned you of some major changes that could come about in My Church. You do not have to follow any changes that are against My Church laws and traditions. You heard one person on your Zoom program tell you that in Canada, they are changing the Stations of the Cross that does not have Me present. They were also seeing some changes in the words of the Mass. You will be seeing changes coming to your American Church, so be alert to any changes planned from the Synod.”
Jesus said: “My people, after a poor debate performance for Biden, the Democrats forced Biden to step down and he gave the job over to Kamala Harris for the Democrat nominee for President. She is younger, but she has less experience than Biden. There may still be more changes at the Democrat convention. Choosing a President for America will be a crucial choice if your country is to continue free. Pray for the best choice for your people.”
Jesus said: “My people, one of the campaign for President issues in the coming election is how inflation is affecting the budgets of your families. Many families, who may live close to each paycheck, are having difficulties affording food, gas, and a place to live. Many of your necessities are costing you more. Pray for your families that they can have what they need in a reasonable costing house.”
Jesus said: “My people, with tornadoes, storms, and hurricanes you have been seeing many people without electricity in some power outages. Without electricity it has been difficult for some people with no air conditioning, and it is hard to find generators. People are also without much light at night using candles. My son, your new lamps and Lithium batteries will be used in your next practice run. You can use three of your batteries to run lights on your three floors of your house. Let this practice run show you how you will be living at My refuges. My Eucharist will be the center of your lives in your Perpetual Adoration. My Real Presence will allow Me to heal you with My luminous cross and multiply your food, water, and fuels. You will have My angel protection, so have no fear.”
Jesus said: “My people, in My Warning I will tell My believers that they will have to come to My refuges for their protection and for their survival needs. It is hard to tell My believers that if they do not come to My refuges, that they could be killed by the Antichrist and his minions. There are not many refuge builders, so this is why I will expand the existing refuges so My believers can be protected by My angels. My son, St. Joseph will be building a high rise and a large church in your backyard to support 5,000 people. Have no fear because I can do the impossible. You will not be the only expanded refuge because I will be expanding most all of My refuges as well. Trust in My protection and My providing your needs for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist.”
Friday, July 26, 2024: (St. Anne and St. Joachim)
St. Anne said: “My dear son, you have visited my Shrine at St. Anne de Beaupre for many years, and I thank you for your devotions and your novenas. I am the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and I am the Grandmother of Jesus. I came to bless you and your family for all that you are going through now. You have been helping Jesus with your ministries, and we in heaven are grateful for your service. We are praying for all that you do to help souls come to heaven. Keep up your daily prayers, Mass, and Adoration because we love you so much. I will bring your petitions and your prayer group petitions to My Grandson, Jesus.”
(Mass intention for Jocelyn) Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing grandchildren and even great grandchildren in the vision on the feast day of Grandmother St. Anne. Just as St. Anne brought up the Blessed Mother, St. Anne also loved Me and guided Me. This is a feast day for grandparents so you should also teach your children and grandchildren the faith, and be a good Christian example for them. Sometimes the grandchildren are taught more about the faith by their grandparents than their parents. So help all of your family come to Me the best that you can.”
Saturday, July 27, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you received the Gospel about the wheat and the tares today where I allow the good and evil people to grow up together, just as you saw in the vision with the wheat and the weeds growing up together. My desire is that My faithful will make an effort to help convert some of the evil people. At the time of the harvest of souls, I will separate the good people into heaven, but the evil ones will be cast into hell. This is similar to how the weeds are collected at harvest and are thrown into the fire. The wheat is collected into My barn of heaven. So at the judgment you are either in the camp with Me, or in the camp with the devil, with nothing in between, meaning no gray area.”
Jesus said: “My son, this is America’s fate as you are seeing a sudden violent crash for your country. America has to be taken down for the one world people to allow the Antichrist to takeover. You will see a crash of your markets, your dollar, and crypto coins. You will be called to My refuges after the Warning before the major events that will take your country down. You could also see some nuclear weapons used against you as an EMP attack that will take down your National Grid. I will protect My refuges from any bomb attacks. So be ready to come to My refuges of safety with My angels shielding you.”
Sunday, July 28, 2024:
Jesus said: “My people, you read how Elisha also multiplied 20 loaves of bread for a hundred people. This account of the multiplication of the loaves and fish is in all four Gospels. (Matt 14:13-21, Mk 8:1-9, Luke 9:12-17, and John 6:1-15) This is not only important to feed the people food, but it also represents how I feed you My Body and Blood in daily Holy Communion. This is My Real Presence that you receive in the consecrated Host at Mass. This power of Mine will be needed at every refuge where a priest or an angel will provide you a consecrated Host for your monstrance so you can have Perpetual Adoration day and night. It is My Presence among you that will protect you from harm, and it will allow Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels even for the 5,000 people that will be at your refuge. Give thanks to Me that I will provide for your spiritual and physical needs throughout the tribulation.”
Monday, July 29, 2024: (St. Martha, Mary & Lazarus)
Jesus said: “My people, I AM the Resurrection and the Life. All of those faithful, who believe in Me, will never die spiritually. You will die physically because of Adam’s sin, but your soul lives on forever. Some of My faithful may have to be purified in purgatory, while some will suffer their purgatory on earth. On the last day My faithful will be resurrected with their glorified body and soul into heaven, but the evil ones will have body and soul cast into hell. This is why during life you must choose to love and serve Me and your neighbor in order to be on the right path to heaven. Rejoice that you will be with the One who loves you for all eternity where your joy will be complete.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is sad when terrorist groups like Hezbollah kill twelve children with their rockets. The leader of Israel has already sent attacks by airplanes on Hezbollah targets. This tragedy could very well start another war with Lebanon and Israel over these deliberate killings in the Golan Heights. It was the savage killing of 1200 people that started the war to eliminate Hamas. America has been helping Israel with weapons, but Biden has been holding back weapons because his base does not support Israel. Kamala Harris is even worse because she avoided Israel’s leader when he gave a talk to Congress. Israel has been America’s ally for many years, yet the Democrats do not want to openly support Israel. Pray for peace in the Middle East despite Iran stirring up their proxies against Israel.”
Tuesday, July 30, 2024: (St. Peter Chrysologus)
Jesus said: “My people, you previously heard the parable about the Sower, but in today’s Gospel I gave My apostles the meaning of the parable. I am the Sower of My Word, and My seed puts My faith into the hearts of My faithful. The devil sows the seed of the weeds that represent the evil people. The harvest is the time of judgment of the souls, and My angels are the harvesters. At the harvest time My angels will collect all of the weeds in the evil ones, and they will be thrown into the flames of hell. But the wheat are My faithful souls who will be gathered up into heaven with Me. I want everyone to hear this parable of the Sower and the meaning, so that all souls will have an opportunity to be saved by My mercy, and My sacrifice on the Cross.”
Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware how your government listens and records everything you say on your land phone, cell phone, and on the internet. This is a lot of data on each person, but they have ways of retrieving this data. You have heard people are even able to play back any of your conversations. The fiber optic line is a two way communication in not only sending you a signal by your cable line, but it also can return what you say before your cable box. It is this intrusion in the privacy of your own home that people may not be aware of. You would have to turn off your cable box from electricity to stop any listening to you. If you have such a cable box, be aware people can listen to what you are saying. The one world people use many means to spy on your people, so be aware of these fiber optic means of listening to your words in front of your cable box.”
Source: ➥