Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, January 5, 2014
What My prophets preached thousands of years ago is now coming to pass!
- Message No. 401 -

My child. My dear child. Sit down with Me, My daughter. Listen to what I, your Father who loves you so much, have to say: Today, on the Feast of Epiphany, you celebrate the honoring of the birth of My Holy Son, for the Wise Men from the East, Caspar, Melchior and Baltasar, knew what this birth meant, and so they set out for the Savior of the world, who, as a small, innocent and so pure child, surrounded by all My holy angels who praised Him highly and gifted Him with joyful singing, lay in a cattle stable in the manger, visible with His parents Mary and Joseph and all the animals of the stable.
My children. My Son was born to you so that you would find your way home to Me, but so many of you do not care. You live far away from faith and fidelity, and the reverence to My Son made man for you, is in many places only commerce.
My children. Remember the nobility of these Three Wise Men who visited this Child, so helpless and small and lying in the most meager surroundings in a manger of food, from far away to pay their respects to HIM, the King of the world, Son of God and Redeemer of mankind, and to bring HIM the finest gifts.
They, the kings of distant lands, humbled themselves before HIM, the little newborn, for they knew and showed that HE is the Highest of all kings, the Son of the Lord, the Almighty Father, WHO I AM, and they knelt before HIM, the so small baby, and honored HIM, paid homage to HIM and gave HIM thanks and respect!
My children. Where have your manners gone? Have you forgotten or suppressed everything? Pay tribute to My Son! Pay homage to HIM and live with HIM! For you HE was born! For you HE died an agonizing death! For you HE lived! And for you HE will come again! So prepare yourselves for HIM, your Only True King, and enter with HIM into His New Kingdom. Give HIM your YES and let HIM lead you on the way to Me, to your so very loving Father!
My children. I await each one of you with a widened heart and open arms, because My love for you knows no limits! But you must give your YES to My Son and prepare yourselves now, otherwise you will not be able to start the way home, into peace and love, because your free will stands in your way and blocks the door into eternity with Me!
Confess now and prepare now! The date for the Second Coming of My Son is set, but only I, your Almighty Father, know it, and My Son is preparing for it. My preparations are complete, and I will reveal the date of My Son's Second Coming as soon as the time is right. Believe and trust and be completely with Me and My Son! Your prayers can and will keep away much calamity, so I ask you to continue to offer Our prayers. You do not know how many calamities you have already stopped and prevented. My children. I love you from the depths of My Almighty Father's heart and call you all to come to My Son. Thus, you too will stand as victors over evil, and your soul will be able to enter into My glory! Do not block the chance of your home with Me, because whoever does not come to Me, only the devil remains for him, even if so many of you vehemently deny this. The devil is cunning, skillful and devious, and nothing brings him more satisfaction than stealing My children! Every soul he captures is a gain over Me, he thinks, but he will never be the winner. My Son Jesus is above HIM, as well as His Most Holy Mother, your Virgin Mary, and the Archangel Michael. Mary will crush the serpent's head, the sword of the Holy Archangel Michael will overthrow him, and Jesus, My dearly beloved Son, will push him into hell. There he will spend chained 1000 years, but be warned, because in it he will move freely. His followers and all innocent stolen souls, that is, those who have not confessed My Son, he will torture for 1000 years, because neither appearance, nor glamor, nor "beautiful life" will exist in hell. The soap bubble of his illusory world staged for you he will burst, and the cruelties and lies, the disgrace and the contempt, the torment, the suffering, the distress and the agony will determine your existence instead. So turn back, because it is not too late, and also share your life at the side of Jesus with Our faithful children. Then a thousand years of peace will be yours, and you will lack nothing. No envy, no hatred, no greed and no avarice will be there. None of what the devil has projected in you will ever have to live through and suffer again. You will be happy, whole in body and soul. Your heart will laugh with joy and happiness, and My Son will take care of everything and you. My children. The New Kingdom will be more beautiful, more glorious and more wonderful than anything you have ever dreamed of. It is unique! It is fulfilling! And it is connected to Heaven. Rejoice! And prepare yourselves, because whoever does not prepare himself now will miss the entrance into this wonderful world and will remain excluded forever. My children. Your only way into this New World is My Son, your Jesus! Say YES to HIM! And confess to Me! And begin to live with Us and your heavenly helpers! Be aware of your angels, especially your guardian angel! Out of love for you, I have placed an angel at the side of every human child, that he protects you and shows you the way and regulates! My angels are always present in your life, but you are not aware of it! And your saints are only waiting for your address, but so many do not believe in their vitality! My children! Wake up! The true life has not yet begun! You think you live only here in the world, oh how wrong you think! This life I gave you out of love for you and in preparation for eternity with Me, but you lost faith, and so I sent you My Holy Son in flesh and blood to bring you back on the path. And again, most of you have lost faith or do not know it at all, and now your world is coming to an end, but you still do not believe! What My prophets preached thousands of years ago, that now comes to pass. You see it, but you suppress it! It is written, but you do not want to see it! You read it, but you do not want to understand it! You hear it, but you close yourselves to it! My children! See and hear and see what is happening! The prophecies are fulfilled, and you continue to sleep before you. My children! You will have a rude awakening if you do not open your eyes and ears! You must pray to the Holy Spirit and listen to your hearts! I, your Holy Father, speak to you today, so that you may awaken and rise from the mists of the beast, for whoever continues to be muzzled and does not begin to rise, will sink in the mire of confusion and never find My Son. So stand up, arise and hear and see! Then you will become awake to the events of the time, and you will recognize the truth! Pray for clarity and purity to the Holy Spirit, so you will become strong and powerful, and the lies of the beast and his followers will become aware of you! You will recognize My light and begin to give your YES to My Son, because whoever becomes aware of the truth will find the way to My Son, and whoever finds the way to My Son will emerge victorious, because My Son will be with him and will deprive the devil of all power over him. Until HE
"The father is worried. Very much concerned. Amen."
--- "My child. Your world is coming to an end. Our children must awaken and go to Jesus, otherwise they have no chance. Eternity will be denied them and peace will not become theirs. Tell them this. Your loving Bonaventure and your Antoni. Amen."
--- "My child. The end is near! You must wake up and turn to the Lord. Whoever does not invite Jesus, whoever refuses HIS YES and does not love HIM, will be lost.
Eternity is infinite, so think carefully if you want to continue to follow those who run away! They bring you sorrow, suffering and misery, but Jesus brings you love, peace and perfection!
So give yourselves to Him and look forward to His second coming!
The end of your world is near, as well as the Kingdom of the Lord, which the Father will give you out of purest love. So wake up, rise up and follow Jesus.
I, your holy Josep de Calassenç put it to you. Amen."
--- "My child. The saints are also anxious, for time is very short. Tell this to Our children. Thank you. Your Mother in heaven. Amen."
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