Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Be warned and do not accept his doctrines!
- Message No. 407 -

My child. Come to Me. I, your Holy Mother, await you.
My child. Tell the world that it has gone astray! It is running after the devil and does not realize it. The plans that the evil one planned hundreds of years ago are gradually being implemented now. You are infiltrated by devil's followers, in all areas, but you don't want to believe it! You are blind for the devil's deeds and let them sell you for something good!
Children! Wake up! You are going more and more towards the abyss and hell! False doctrines "desecrating" God belong to your life of today. You get lost in the snares of the devil!
Covered with his veils of fog, you walk like through a labyrinth and do not find the light of the exit. How could you, since you are ensnared, fogged and spun with lies of the evil ones, who keep you away from the truth and offer you their lies as normality, modern and cool.
My children. Open your eyes and ears! Listen and see! And find back to the true and genuine values of the Father, values that never pass away and through which, and only through them, a peaceful life in fulfillment, love and justice is possible!
Don't you see where the devil is leading you? Hell is only the last station, but the suffering, the great suffering already here on earth, will only become greater and greater until he has you completely in his power and under his control your glorious world perishes!
Stand up! Fight back! Only the father counts! Whoever turns away from HIM will have no future, for the devil will raise power over him and first make his life a hell and then give him eternity in hell.
Be warned and do not accept his doctrines! I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, with the Holy Angels of the Lord and all the saints, tell you. Amen.
My children. I give My blessing to all of you who profess My Son. To those who seek Him, I will help them to find Him! All of you who try to live according to the truth, I will take under My protective mantle, and to everyone who asks Me for help and prayer, I will give My hand and intercede for him.
My children. I love you from the bottom of My heart and I intercede with the Lord for each one of you. But open your hearts so that the Holy Spirit can also work in you.
Whoever calls to Heaven will be heard, and the graces for the homecoming of all souls are great! Accept them! Pray for one another! And stand against the devilish innovations in all areas of your life.
I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, and My Holy Son will always be with you, if you want it.
So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children with all the angels and saints and the consent of Jesus and God the Father. Amen.
Our love for you is great. Do not reject it. Amen.
Source: ➥