Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, January 17, 2014
Whoever takes the mark of the beast and not the seal of My Father will go to the beast in hell!
- Message No. 415 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me, My beloved daughter, and listen to what I, your Jesus, have to say today to the children of the world: Whoever does not prepare himself for Me, for My Second Coming, My so beloved children, will not be able to go with Me, for only he who loves Me, acknowledges Me as WHO I AM, honors Me and lives his life with Me and according to the will of My Almighty Father, will be worthy to enter with Me into My New Kingdom, but he, who follows the wrong, who does not profess Me, who wears the number of the beast under his skin and strives after money, fame, recognition and power, he will not attain My Kingdom,for IT is predestined for the children who follow Me faithfully and honestly, but those, who do not care how they keep themselves "afloat" in this world of yours, who are fine with sin and don't care about the commandments of the Father, Our Lord, these children will suffer, because the abyss will open up for them and they will be plunged into it, because they didn't confess Me, acted against Me and against My Father's will, and the methods of the beast were right for them, so now, at the end of their days, they will get that, what they have sown, for whoever does not sow love, peace and righteousness will not be able to reap these, and whoever accepts the mark of the beast and not the seal of My Father, which was prophesied to you for thousands and hundreds of years and has now been given to you, will go up to the beast in hell, but will NOT be raised to Me in My Kingdom.
My children. Turn back, for you still have time to do so. Soon, very soon, it will be too late.
I love you from the depths of My Most Sacred Redeemer Heart, your loving Jesus and My Most Holy Mother, who is with Me. Amen.
My child. Make this known. Amen. I thank you. Your Mother in Heaven and Jesus who loves you so much.
Source: ➥