Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, January 18, 2014
They shall not be afraid to break out of the circles of the beast, for St. Michael the Archangel stands ready for them!
- Message No. 417 -

My child. My dear child. Do not be sad. Everything will be fine. I promise you that.
My child. Tell Our children to convert, for only in this way will they enter the New Glory of Our Lord, only in this way will Jesus, My Most Holy Son, take them to the New Paradise, and only in this way will their souls be healed, their hearts (become) joyful, and they will be able to live together in eternal peace.
My children. My Son is the way to the New Kingdom. He, who is your Savior, only begotten Son of the Lord Almighty, is the only way to the New Era, which is characterized by peace and love, and where evil no longer exists. Do not lose the chance of this glorious inheritance for a few kicks given by the devil, who is up to no good, but My Son will lead you to the eternity of the Lord.
Fulfilled you will be, without open desires, for you will have everything you long for. No desire will remain open to you, for you are in the presence of the Lord and have nothing to fear. Carefree and taken care of, you will live in the New Kingdom of My Son, because God, Our Father, has thought of everything and continues to send His Holy Angels to take care of you and be with you.
My children. Your life will be beautiful in the New Kingdom of My Son. Believe and trust and remain faithful to My Son, for only HE will lead you into this New Kingdom of Peace, but the devil will bring you damnation and torment.
I love you, My dear children, and I care for each one of you. Therefore, wake up and run to Jesus so that this wonderful inheritance may become yours. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation.
--- "It is not too late, My children. So confess Me, your Jesus, for I await each one of you with open arms to give you My mercy and My love that heals everything.
Do not be afraid, for My love for you is greater than any sin you have committed.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen."
--- "My Holy Son is waiting for you. So come to HIM and live with HIM. Then you will also be saved and the entrance into His New Kingdom will be given to you. So be it.
Your Father in Heaven.
God, the Most High. Amen."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. I, your angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
--- "I stand ready to fight for each one of you, no matter on what paths he may be.
Carry repentance in your hearts and see the light of the Lord.
Give HIM your YES and then call to Me, your Holy Archangel Michael.
I will come to deliver you from deepest darkness, so do not be afraid, because if you give your YES to Jesus, the devil loses power over you!
Surrender yourselves to HIM! Ask HIM! Beg Him! For HE, who is the Son of God, will not leave you alone.
Remember Our words: My sword is more powerful than Satan, and Me he fears the most. Therefore, call Me to fight for you, and so it will be.
But sincerely you must want to break away from all the wrong ways you are going or have gone, because only whoever sincerely wants to save himself to Jesus, We will come to his aid.
So be it, My dear children.
I stand ready for you, no matter how far you are from the Lord, no matter how close you are to the beast.
Whoever is sincere and wants to repent, whoever repents and confesses Jesus, may call Me and trust in My help.
I love you.
Your holy archangel Michael. Amen."
--- "Oh, My child. The graces of Heaven are so great! Whoever repents will be helped, no matter how far he has strayed. Please tell this to Our children. They should not be afraid to break out of the circles of the beast, for St. Michael the Archangel, with His powerful sword, stands ready for them. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven."
Source: ➥