Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, February 2, 2014
The devil has gone out and is playing tricks on you!
- Message No. 431 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say the following to you and Our children today: If you continue to lose yourselves in the world and do not "work" on your intimacy, you will have a hard time gaining access to My Son and the mysteries of the Lord.
You will not find My Son on the outside, nor will you find God the Father there. Both are a part of you, even if this is difficult for you to understand, and only in inwardness will you come closer to HIM.
My children. Do not be distracted by the outside, because it does not lead you to God. Too easily you lose yourselves in temptations, too easily you become weak and go astray. You must develop inwardness! You must live it! In inwardness you come closer to God the Father and to My Son, but in outwardness you lose yourselves.
Be ready for My Son! Be ready for the miracles of the Lord! Live your inwardness on the outside, i.e. share your love, your values, your joy and your faith! And always go into the inwardness, the rest, and experience the love with My Son, the joy HE gives you, and receive the miracles of the Lord!
My children. The outside will always throw you back on your way to the Lord, because it is full of devil's traps, but the inwardness brings you very close to My Son and is the way to the Lord. Convert, then, and let go of externals. They will only lead you into emptiness and into the devil's set traps.
Convert within yourselves, and (re)accept the values of the Lord. In this way you will find your way to My Son and your soul will be healed.
I love you, My beloved children. Give your YES to Jesus and turn away from the emptiness presented to you by the illusory world of the devil.
Come to Jesus, into His holy arms, and all will be well!
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
"The devil has gone out and is playing tricks on you. Many children are being attacked. The separation (great division) is now showing itself more and more.
Hold on, My beloved children, because time is passing quickly. Soon I will be with you.
Your Jesus."
"Get ready for the New Time, for the end is coming. I, your angel of the Lord tell you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
My child. Go now. Make this known. Amen. Your mother in heaven who loves you.
Source: ➥