Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, February 9, 2014
First Communion is such an important event for your little ones!
- Message No. 438 -

My child. My dear child. Accept everything, for it is needed. My child. Tell Our children today that they do well to teach their little ones the values of the Lord, for only in this way will they attain true happiness and spend their lives at the side of Jesus. Those to whom the externals are more important than the internals are not with My Son. You must live the inwardness, only in this way will the true way be revealed to you.
My child. First Communion is such an important event for your little ones, so you should prepare them for it as best you can. Do not allow any externalities here either, because they distract you, and especially your children, from the actual celebration: the union with My Son, which they will then be allowed to perceive daily (or weekly) from this so precious feast day on.
My children. Teach your children the true values of life! Prepare them for My Son and His return and let go of all the trivialities of the outside world. It is nothing more than a sham and untrue and serves only to lead your soul away from the way of the Lord.
Reflect (again) and find completely to My Son, then also your children will go this way, and their eternity will be saved, because they live with Jesus and will return home to the Father with HIM. Amen. So be it.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation.
--- "I await you.
Your loving Jesus. Amen."
--- "My children. Set out on your journey. I, your Father who loves you, long for each one of you, because I love you! So get ready and follow My Son. Bring your children to Him and educate them with Our Word and values.
I thank you. Amen.
Your Father in Heaven, who loves you so much."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call.
Your children are the most precious thing you have and a great gift from the Lord to you. Deal well with them and lead them back to the Lord. I, your angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
Thank you, My child. Go now.
Source: ➥