Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, February 17, 2014
Your last chance!
- Message No. 446 -

My child. My dear child. Do not despair. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say this to you and to all Our children today: many of Our children have lost their way. They live their lives without faith in My Son, yet they have a good heart. For these children, it is important to convert to My Son, at the latest when HE stands before you (warning). Their good heart will help them to find quick access to the commandments, the laws of the Lord. Their "purification" will be quick, because they have a heart that loves.
But those who are astray, who have closed and frozen their heart, will find it difficult to find My Son. The devil so dominates their being that they will squirm and turn away, for they will not be able to endure the love of My Son.
Please pray for all these children so that they too will take the then last chance and find their way to My Son.
I thank you, My faithful children, and bless and gift you with the love of My Son, which warms your heart and makes your soul happy.
In deep and intimate love, your loving Mother in Heaven with Jesus who loves you so much. Amen."
Source: ➥