Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Our Lady Prayer
- Message No. 865 -

"Tell the children that We love them and may they come to Us in pilgrimages for peace in Europe and in the whole world. Please tell them. Amen. Wait no longer, or wars and communism will overtake you. Act now and come, My children, then greatest suffering can still be mitigated and averted. Amen." God the Father, Jesus and Our Lady --- "Arise so that you will not be lost. Jesus is your way. Through the Blessed Virgin Mary you will find Jesus. She is your Heavenly Advocate and intercedes for her children by day and by night at the throne of the Lord." The Saints --- Prayer #41: Our Lady Prayer .
Have mercy, O Lord, and send down Your graces upon all children, that they may know and tread the way to Your Son.
Free them from the snares of the evil one and show mercy.
Grant them Your most generous mercy, so that they may not be lost to the Adversary and may attain Eternal Life on the side of Jesus and Yours.
Have mercy on Your children.
Therefore we ask through Christ Our Lord, Savior of the world. Amen.
"Pray, My children, for this prayer can save many more children. My mercy will touch them, and by My utmost grace I will draw them to Me. Amen. Your Jesus."
--- "Your prayer must never break off, for that would be the victory of Satan over your world. Amen. Go in peace and remain in prayer. Your guardian angel will accompany you and keep up your prayer, but you must ask him." God the Father and Jesus.
--- "Turn back in this Lent, for much time does not remain." A saint and Jesus.
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