Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, March 9, 2014
This event is closer than you are ready to believe!
- Message No. 470 -

My child. My Sun. Please tell Our children to convert. Jesus is waiting for them. Whoever does not confess HIM will be lost. Whoever does not honor Him will not enter the New Kingdom. Whoever does not prepare himself will not be able to receive HIM, for His light is so pure, His love so clear, and no one will be able to endure it who has not made himself pure and accepted His love.
My children, come all to Jesus, for only HE is the way into the glorious glory of the Lord. Only through HIM will you find salvation. Only with HIM will you be able to enter the New Kingdom.
Be aware of the glories of the Lord and live in love and joy, for Jesus will come to redeem you, but you must give your YES to HIM. Whoever does not follow Jesus will be lost to the devil, but whoever sets out on the path and tries to live according to the commandments of the Lord (to the best of his knowledge and conscience), whoever lacks and repents, whoever prays and prepares himself, will become aware of the glories of the Lord and will reap the fruits of paradise, but whoever stagnates, continues to live in his "rut", does not purify himself and does not prepare for Jesus, hell will become his last stop, because the devil and his demons will take him away, steal his soul and push him into the lake of fire!
So get up and be ready for the Second Coming of the Lord, because this event is closer than you are ready to believe!
Your Bonaventure. Amen.
Source: ➥