Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 10, 2014
These momentous days!
- Message No. 473 -

My child. My dear child.
This will be a great gift to all of you, because My coming will also touch your hearts, expand them and fill you with an unspeakable joy! You will then get an insight into how wonderful eternal life will be, because this love that I bring to you will remain unforgettable for you and make you strong and composed for what will then still happen here on your earth, before I then come for the Second Time and the end will be sealed.
My children. Hold on, because glorious times await you! Soon, very soon, I will stand before each one of you, and your soul will shout for joy!
But those who have conspired with the beast will flee from Me, from My presence! They could never have imagined how "violently powerful" My light is, and they will flee into the arms of My adversary. The latter will tell them more lies, and the world will then, after this so wonderful event and the billions of conversions, darken once more.
The followers of Satan will then believe they have reached their goal when their devil has ascended the throne of the world, and their jubilation will be great, but short-lived. That is when I will come for the Second Time and win the victory for all My children who bear the Father's seal. Evil will be defeated, Satan chained and his followers destroyed, devoured by the maw of hell that will be their abode.
My children. My dear, faithful children! All of you will go with Me, and the glories of My Father will become yours! I love you so much and I am looking forward to these momentous days: the great conversion of the still lost children, as well as the final victory over Lucifer and his demons.
My children. Your prayer does so much good! Pray the prayers that We have given you in these and other messages! In this way, the number of those who go with you to the New Kingdom will increase day by day, and the suffering that Satan wants to inflict on you will become milder!
Pray, My children! Prayer is the strongest weapon you have! It is your weapon in the fight against evil. Amen.
I love you so much.
Your loving Jesus.
Source: ➥