Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 14, 2014
...and you did nothing about it!
- Message No. 478 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say the following to you and to Our children worldwide today: Arise, My children, and confess My Son, for only in this way will you attain the Kingdom of Heaven! Only in this way will you enter the New Era of Peace, lovingly promised and prepared by the Father for each of Our children. Stand up and spread the word of the Lord! Defend Jesus from those who want to "abolish" HIM and stand up for HIM, for your King!
As soon as the evil deeds of slander, expulsion as well as lies about My Son, who loves you so much, are finished, do not be surprised about the emptiness that will befall you, the gloom as well as an artificially staged "show" that will not feel real and that will confuse you and lead you into gloom! This is how your new masses will be celebrated: in unity, in mixture, in delusion and without any value before the Lord, because this one you will no longer worship in your new masses, but instead the beast who laughs in hell that you all fell for his lies, did not notice the intrigues and above all did not defend your Jesus!
My Son will not be present in any of these masses! Keep in mind this infinite loss! Your jubilation will quickly pass as soon as the true face of the wicked comes to light! You will be used and let it happen! You are lied to and believe the liars! You are manipulated and cheer about this manipulation! And you are "stolen", controlled and many of you locked up, but you do not rise! Not for your freedom! Not for your fellow brothers! Not for your Jesus!
My children. If you do not stand up now and defend the Word of Jesus, His teachings, His sacrifices, the commandments of the Lord and His great suffering for the salvation of all God's children, then it will be too late for all of you! Billions upon billions will then be lost to the devil and you who know Jesus have done nothing about it.
My children. My mother's heart is deeply distressed because it is suffering over your lukewarmness. You must rise up and stand by Jesus no matter what the other thinks or does! Rise up and defend your Savior! Help the children of the earth to find Jesus and be good to each other!
My tears that I cry are bitter. They are full of sorrow and pain, because you have abandoned Jesus, the only One who truly loves you and gave His life for you.
Full of sorrow and grief, I take leave of you today, pleading at the throne of God for every child of the earth, that you may find Jesus and not be lost to the devil.
I love you, My so lost children, and pray for your knowledge. May the Holy Spirit work His miracles in all of you so that you may see clearly (again).
Arise, My children, and pray!
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of salvation and Mother of tears: "I weep tears of blood for every apostate child. Amen."
Source: ➥