Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Do not be afraid, for My love is merciful!
- Message No. 481 -

My child. My dear child. There you are, My so beloved daughter. I, your Holy Jesus, am here with you to tell you and the children of the earth today that I love you. My love for you is so great, and yet many of you do not want to accept it. You prefer to be stuck in the swamp of pleasure and indulge in momentary "kicks," "highs," and feelings of happiness than to accept My love. They engage in more and more sinfulness and think they and their lives are great, instead of remaining in humility and pleasing God the Father. But one day they too will learn how quickly the crash can come and the tide of their lives turns. They become unhappy, dissatisfied children, and many of them seep even deeper into the mire of ruin until it swallows them up and they no longer know how to get out of it. My children. Your way is I, your loving Jesus! Come to ME and accept My love! My love will heal you, and it will make you happy children again, and it will lead you on the way to God the Father! Come to ME and stay with ME! I long for you, for each one of you! Do not be afraid, because My love is merciful, i.e. it does not matter what you have done before, because I forgive you. I AM your Redeemer and set you free! So come to ME, My brothers and sisters, and live your life with ME by your side! No child will I push away who turns to ME, and each one I will bestow with the glories of My Father, if he turns to ME honestly and sincerely. It is not too late, My so beloved children! Your Jesus. Amen. --- "My children. My Son is waiting for you. Accept His merciful love and run into His loving arms. Then all will be well for you! Your loving Father in Heaven. Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen." --- "My children. Follow the call of the Father and run to Jesus, because only HE will deliver you from the machinations of the devil. With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God. Amen."
--- "The Lord has spoken, follow His and the Son's call. I, the angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
--- "My sword I hold ready for anyone who prays to Me. I will cut the cords of the evil one (from him) and save him from its attacks. Pray, My children, pray, for the demons of the devil roam your world. My Holy Sword will put a stop to them, but you must pray to Me so that I can help (you). Amen. So be it. Your Holy Archangel Michael."
--- "My children. Listen to your holy angels. They will protect you.
Your Mother in heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥