Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 24, 2014
Break out of the devil's prison!
- Message No. 490 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell Our children this today, "I love you very much and promise to bring each and every one of you to God, Our Father, for I AM your Savior and My love for you is great, but you must accept ME as This One, give ME your allegiance and trust completely in ME!" Jesus.
"I AM the light, the power, the wisdom that will guide you on this path of preparation for Eternal Life at the Lord's side! So pray to Me. Amen." The Holy Spirit of the Lord.
"My children. In order for Jesus to take care of you, you must begin to trust. You must live your life with HIM, that is, many of you must change your life completely, because you live in the staged illusory world of the devil.
Get ready for Jesus, My Son, and beautiful will be your life. You will become aware of the glories of heaven and be gifted with gifts from the Father!
Come to Jesus! Change yourselves! Break out of the prison of the devil! Break the chains he has put on you, i.e. desist from sin he makes you with any kind of enticement, pleasure, promise, because ALL are only earthly in nature and keep you away from God and Eternal Life at His side!
Run to Jesus and prepare for HIM, because HE will lead you to the Father and give you the fulfillment you ALL long for so much.
Convert, My children, and get to know the miracles of the Lord also for your life. Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven with Jesus and the Holy Spirit of the Lord. Amen."
Source: ➥