Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Do not cast out your Savior from this world! (Part 2)
- Message No. 494 -

"The Father takes Me to Himself because you do not want Me." Jesus crucified, covered in blood.
"My child. My dear child. My Son goes, because you do not want Him. From your churches you expel HIM, from your lives you banish HIM, all that is holy you desecrate, you have no respect, you live in immorality and sin and deeply hurt the Father. You are not worthy of the so great love and sacrifice of My Son, and yet HE gives it to you, because HE is pure mercy, and thus His love for you is merciful and all-forgiving.
My children. Do not reject your Savior from this world! For if you let this happen, suffering and misery will spread over you and your earth in the most terrible measure! Wear the Seal of the Lord and live as HIS children! Defend HIM! Defend HIS word!, HIS teachings, HIS church!
Heaven is deeply dismayed! Sadly We look down from heaven to your earth. If only you would ALL pray, then the devil would not have such an easy time with you, and great calamity could be prevented.
Your lukewarmness is terrible to witness, and it causes Us great pain. Pray, My children, and confess My Son! Stand up and defend HIM, otherwise you will all be lost.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Source: ➥