Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, April 19, 2014
The more you pray, the greater graces will be poured upon your earth!
- Message No. 526 -

Holy Saturday My child. My dear child. Write, My daughter. I, your Holy Father in Heaven, am with you to say this to My children: My joy is great for the homage you pay to My Son. I bestow My graces in a special way on those who give themselves completely to My Son. Through you, the pain in My Father's heart, which loves you so much, over the apostate children is soothed.
I love you so much and give My graces to the whole world in these days. The more you pray, the greater graces will be poured over your earth, the more you ask for those who do not honor Me and give themselves completely to My adversary, the more I will also work in their hearts!
Pray, My children, pray, for evil times are yet to come, until then My Son comes to you from heaven and puts an end to all evil.
I love you, My so beloved children. If only you could all feel My love, there would be no more wars among you, no more strife and hunger, no greed and none of that which the evil one puts in your heart and pierces (it).
I love you! Find your way back to Me, to your Creator!
In deep love, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much. Amen.
Source: ➥