Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The plans of the evil one are horrible and cruel to place his antichrist! - Easter Sunday
- Message No. 529 -

My child. My dear child. Come to Me and hear what I, your Father in Heaven who loves you so much, want to say today to the children of the earth: My love for you is great. My longing for you is infinite. I love you so much, My children so loved by Me, and each one of you I want to enclose in My Holy Father's arms, but so many of you oppose Me, do not love Me, do not honor Me. You trample on My commandments, spit on the teachings of My Holy Son Jesus and do not respect life: not theirs, not their neighbor's, not your world, My creation.
My children. Pray for the apostate children so that they too may find Me, the Father of you all. My Father's heart suffers because of these children and My pain is great. So pray, My faithful children, and ask for their conversion. I thank you from the depths of My Father's Heart, which loves you so much.
My children. My joy over you, who celebrate the feasts of My Son in remembrance, with compassion and full of love for HIM, is great. You relieve My pain, and it is you who are with Jesus, trusting, hoping and believing in HIM, who make it possible for Me to pour out this abundance of graces on your earth and touch the hearts that do not know My love. It is all of your prayers that make this possible, your faithfulness and trust in My Son.
My children. Pray for peace, for peace in the hearts of all My children -believers or apostates- and for peace in your world! This is My great request to all of you, to spare you suffering, because the plans of the evil one are horrible and cruel, and in order to place his antichrist, he has planned the greatest suffering and evil and abominations for the children of the world.
Be warned, My so beloved children, for the Antichrist will come as a "bringer of peace", BUT HE IS NOT!!! Watch carefully, for the moves of My adversary are cunning, and so skillfully has he planned and engineered everything, that he will deceive billions of My children! Be warned, then, for the time is at hand!
Your prayer, My dear children, will be able to keep away much disaster, BUT YOU MUST USE IT and use it for good!
Pray, pray, pray, otherwise evil will overshadow your world in the most terrible way and darkness will creep into your hearts.
Pray, ONLY prayer can help you, My children!
Your prayer is powerful!
Your Father in Heaven, who loves you so much.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
--- "My child. Make this known. Amen." P: --- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call.
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. Use prayer as a weapon against evil and call upon the Holy Angels, may they protect you.
I, the angel of the Lord, tell you. Amen.
Your angel of the Lord."
--- "My daughter. Thank you. Your Jesus (smiling lovingly)."
Source: ➥