Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Your conversion MUST have taken place before the 3 dark days!
- Message No. 569 -

My child. My dear child. The time in which you live will soon pass. Evil will be defeated and a New Glorious World will be given to you.
God the Father loves you so much, My beloved children, and looks forward to your return to Him, your Creator! To each one of you the gates to the New Paradise are opened, but only those who have confessed Jesus, your Savior, will be able to enter.
Jesus is your way into the New Glory. Without Him, the gates will remain closed to you. Even the one who recognizes his "erring" at the end of time will remain outside, because your conversion MUST have taken place before the 3 dark days!
So convert now, because sin is weighing on you and your earth and is becoming more and more, heavier and heavier, more and more "crushing" and your conversion is becoming more and more difficult, because the mists of the devil do not let you see the light of My Son, and when on the day of warning Jesus shows you your errors, many of you will not survive.
My children. Do not expose yourselves to this "danger"! Convert now and find the way to My Son and God the Father! Any missteps will be forgiven in confession, no matter how heavy they weigh on you! Confess, repent, atone! My Son will wash you clean and take you away when the time comes!
Convert now, My beloved children, and wait no longer! My Son is waiting for you! Amen.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥