Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 2, 2014
It's all just a piece of a satanic plan to lull you into safety!
- Message No. 574 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Me, with your Jesus. Please tell Our children this today: Do not believe in what you are "led to believe" by the media, nor in the words of those who supposedly advocate peace, because everything is just a piece of a satanic plan to lull you into safety and distract you from the real deeds they are not only planning, but have long been carrying out!
So much you are "filled" with their words that you don't even notice where the real wind blows from! So many lies you swallow without really thinking about it and to look behind the scenes! So fogged are you that you shout along and cheer and demand, but do you know at all what you demand there, whom you cheer and what you cause with it?
You are too busy with yourselves that you stand up for what comes directly from the devil, but you do not notice it! You are God-forsaken, have removed HIM, your Creator from your life and let HIM enter only when it is good for you!
Believe, My children, believe in the Father, because only HE will guide you, where peace and love are at home! You must find to Him and to Me, your Jesus, because without Me the New Kingdom will remain closed to you.
If you live with the Father, you will not lack anything, and you will recognize the devil's cunning. You will see behind the scenes and see through the devilish game, but you must confess your Father and live your life according to His providence: "Not my will be done, but Your will, O Lord." Only in this way will your eyes open, your ears hear the truth, and your heart experience clarity and love. Your spirit will connect with the Father's, and any shadows will become aware of you.
My children. I love you from the depths of My Redeemer's Heart and await nothing more eagerly than your YES to Me. Together we will go to the Father and see through the devilish wiles. My Holy Spirit will be with you, work in you and there. Believe and trust and find the way to Me. It only needs a YES from your side and I, your Holy Jesus, will be with you. So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all children of God and Son of the Almighty Father. Amen.
Source: ➥