Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
In deep gratitude for all your prayers and sacrifices!
- Message No. 576 -

My child. My dear child. Good Morning. Please tell Our children today the following: Your suffering that you bear, your sacrifices that you accept and all the burden that you take upon yourselves is for the healing of the evil in the world and for the support of those who experience unbearable suffering in the name of My Son, pain that is inflicted upon them by those who hate My Son, or blindly and without emotion follow those who want to eradicate Christianity, but this will never happen!
My children. No matter how great the sacrifices We send you may be, accept them in love! Offer them up in love and compassion for your brothers and sisters in the Lord! And always be very close to My Son, for HE bears with you and delivers you and all children suffering for Him-their faith in Him!
Much sacrifice, My children, is also needed for those who have not yet found My Son. With your offered up suffering you "convert" souls, i.e. when you offer it up to Jesus and the Father, they reach but-billions of souls who do not yet know the love of the Lord and find to HIM through sacrifice.
My children. It sounds complicated for many of you, but believe and trust, because everything you "give" to Jesus and the Father comes back to earth multiplied -yes, multiplied by millions. You live in the end times and the graces of the Father are great! Many children still have to be "converted", i.e. much acceptance of suffering and sacrifice is still needed. But also your prayer, My so beloved children, because through all your prayer you also achieve conversions in millions!
My Son is now drawing more and more and more lost, ignorant souls to Himself, so that they will not be lost to the devil! It is the end time, and that is why suffering, sacrifice and prayer are so much needed. As soon as the day of the end comes, Our children must have found Jesus, and with each day they wait, it might be too late for them. Therefore, accept suffering and sacrifice and give it back to the Lord! Offer it up: In His intentions! And pray, My children, pray! Your prayer is and remains the strongest weapon in this final battle for souls!
Soon everything will be over, and the gates of the New Kingdom will be opened to you. But only the one who is with Jesus, who has joined HIM and given his YES, will be able to enter. Therefore pray, My children, so that many souls may be converted and the devil lose all power over them.
With deepest and grateful love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "The time of the end is approaching, and many children have not yet found the way to Me. Offer up to Me, your Jesus, all burdens and sufferings, and pray, My children. In this way I will draw many more souls to Me, and our entry into the New Kingdom will be glorious and numerous.
In deep gratitude for all your prayers and sacrifices,
Your loving Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children. Amen."
Source: ➥