Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 30, 2014
Listen to My word, which resounds from heaven like thunder!
- Message No. 604 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your Father in Heaven, have to say today to the children of the earth: Your earthly time is passing very quickly, My so beloved children, and you are getting lost in the world of consumption, luxury, lottery and pleasures. You think your life is fine as long as you do no harm to others, but, My beloved children, this is a trap of the devil. You do not observe My commandments and do not follow the teachings of Jesus. Here, too, the devil has set traps for you, because you are convinced that "this" was true in the past and now, when you live in so many luxuries, achievements and riches, when you have "created a modern world", all this would have lost its meaning or would have no meaning at all or would have to be adapted to your present world, but, My so beloved children, this is precisely the trap set by the devil! My commandments are valid for all times, and if you would keep them, you would be ALL happy, satisfied and fulfilled human children and would not seek your "fulfillment" in the outside, in self-realization and recognition. The teachings of My Son are also valid for all times, because they show you the way to Me, your Creator in heaven. Whoever does not live the teachings of My Son will not attain the Kingdom of Heaven, and his path will lead him directly to the abyss, the damnation of the devil. My children. Your life here on earth is to prepare you for the glorious eternity in My Kingdom of Heaven, or very soon, My Son's New Kingdom. You will only be fulfilled and happy in the Kingdom of Heaven. You will become fulfilled and happy only with Jesus. Nothing outside will or can give you lasting happiness or lasting love or lasting fulfillment. In Jesus you will find all that you are looking for and you will come to rest, fulfilled and happy! In your material world, however, you will never find satisfaction, let alone fulfillment, because this lies in My Son. You must convert and turn your back on all glitter and shine, because the "earthly happiness" is transient and does not lead you to Me! All temptations the devil holds out to you, so that you do not find your way home, but you are so caught up in yourselves, in your earthly world and the fogs of the devil, that you fall deeper and deeper into his traps and accept and form opinions, all of which were and are glossed over and handed over by the devil! Wake up! Turn back! For the time that remains for you on this earth is short and soon, very soon, it will be over. My plagues will strike many of you, if you do not convert! My fire will burn the places of sin, if you do not convert! And a third of your earth I shall take from you, if you do not convert! My Son stands ready, and HE will come, first as a Merciful Savior, then as a Judge over you, and woe to him who has not converted by then! Let go of sin and shame and become worthy children of mine, otherwise your downfall will be sealed. Listen to My word, which resounds like thunder from heaven: I, the Almighty Father, Creator of all life and Ruler over heaven and earth and all that IS, will bring down My wrath upon you if you do not convert! Only through My Son, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, do I still bestow My mercy upon the world, but you must accept it now, for My chastisements will come and strike those who have not listened to My word. So be it. Your Father in Heaven. Creator of all God's children and Ruler over all that is. Amen. --- "Believe and trust, it is the word of the Almighty. I, the angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen." --- "Only your repentance will save you from chastisement and disaster. Believe and trust, and turn to Jesus, or you will be lost. Amen. An angel of the Lord from the 7 choirs." --- The following is shown to me: The heavenly hosts are standing by. It looks like Jesus and Our Lady are still holding back the wrath of the Father.
"That is how it is.
Source: ➥