Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Your joy is in Me!
- Message No. 607 -

My child. My dear child. Enjoy the time that remains to you, for soon everything will be different. Worship whenever you can, and rejoice in the Lord, for your joy will be this: Not earthly, but heavenly.
My children. The promised time is near, but your faithfulness to Jesus will once again be put to the test. Do not be afraid, for fear comes from the adversary alone and is not in My Son. Whoever sincerely loves Jesus has nothing to fear, but whoever still prefers earthly things to My Son will find the trials difficult.
My children. Confess yourselves completely to My Son and carry joy in your hearts through the love you give each other! Whoever loves My Son will receive abundant gifts, but whoever chases after earthly things and gives more importance than to My Son will find the last days difficult to bear.
My children. Whoever is completely with Jesus, nothing earthly can throw him off course. Believe and trust and sacrifice everything to My Son and the Father, for in this way even the greatest suffering and sorrow and tears will be transformed into love for you and the world, and My Son will bear everything for you, no matter how bad the situation may be.
Find to My Son, those who have not yet converted to HIM, because the apocalypse will plunge you into despair and thus the devil into his net and damnation. Only with My Son you can and will survive the last times, so confess HIM and never turn away, because HE is your Savior, your Redeemer, your Redeemer, and only HE is your way into the glory of the Lord as well as His New Kingdom. Amen.
Be warned, for you do not have much time left.
With deep, motherly love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
--- "My Mother speaks the true word. Your joy is in Me, and only through Me will you find salvation. So come all into My Holy arms and let yourselves fall into My love and care. I, your Holy Jesus, await you and I love you. My merciful Redeemer Heart beats for each one of you. So come, My children so loved by Me, and experience My Heavenly Joy, which will be given to all of you as soon as you confess Me. Amen.
Your Jesus.
Savior of the world and Son of the Almighty Father. Amen."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. I, the angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen."
--- "Only Jesus is your way to glory. Only Jesus leads you to the Father. HE is Savior and Holy Redeemer of the world and of all God's children. So give your YES to HIM, your Holy Jesus. Amen. Your angel of the Lord from the 7 choirs. Amen."
Source: ➥