Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, July 7, 2014
NEVER let anyone provoke you!
- Message No. 612 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children this today: The state of your world is deceptive, because what is really happening -and not only behind closed doors- is kept away from you, and you are shown and told only what the upper elite wants: an (almost) perfect world.
My children. You are lied to and deceived, because EVERYTHING that is currently happening in your world has been planned and worked out for a long time and is now being purposefully implemented: The CONSCIOUS (!) apostasy in the West, which is spreading more and more, as well as the "slaughter" of those who believe, because the religion, which spreads the most hatred, is purposefully used by the devil to destroy the true faith, and ALL means are right here (for him)!
My children. You are blind and so deluded! Do not let yourselves be provoked any further, because the murders that have started are ALL purposefully planned to stir you up and to stir up even more hatred among yourselves! Stay calm and do not trust your media, because they are all wandered through by the evil one, who has placed his "people" in highest positions.
My children. Into every trap that the devil sets for you, you fall full of anger and discontent in your heart! That is why it is so important that you find your way to My Son and peace returns to you! Only the love of My Son will make you realize what is really happening in your world! Only with the love of My Son will you be able to survive these last days!
My children. Stay calm! Do not let yourselves be provoked by anything or anyone, because all this belongs to the evil chess game of the devil, who has planned every move neatly in advance! He knows your reactions, because he has studied your nature, that is, he acts and makes act exactly as he knows how to manipulate you.
My children. Stay calm, no matter what happens! NEVER let yourselves be provoked, no matter how terrible, cruel and unconscionable the acts of "the others" are! Find to My Son, because only with HIM you will get through all these cruelties, only through HIM you will become strong and powerful to endure the end with its worst sides.
"Be faithful to My Son, because only HE is your way to Me. Amen. Your God Father in heaven."
In deep, motherly love and full of concern for you, your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My Mother speaks the true word. Never let yourselves be provoked, because everything is only tactics and plan of the devil. Find Me, your Jesus, and be very close to Me. Then nothing bad will happen to you, for I will guide and lift you up, and you will be saved. So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children. Amen."
"The Lord, His Son and His handmaid have spoken. So listen to the call of heaven and be completely with Jesus, for only HE is your Savior. Amen. So be it.
Your angel of the Lord. Amen."
Source: ➥