Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Consecrate each new day to the Lord and ask HIM to guide and take over your day!
- Message No. 614 -

My child. My dear child. Listen to what We want to say to the children of the world today: Your world is in a catastrophic state. Wars are escalating, more and more hatred is being stirred up, you are slaughtering each other, and the devil is laughing, because he has to do nothing but watch, and then steal your soul with all ease, because hatred has blinded you to reality, blinded you to the light of your Lord, Jesus Christ, and so you are -through your own doing- closer to the devil than to your savior and go straight to damnation, because he who fights hate with hate, who repays like with like, is not worthy for the kingdom of the Lord, but an easy "food" for the devil, who cunningly and skillfully provoked you, and you have "bitten", let yourselves be provoked, and now see what you do: More hatred, more suffering, more misery, "murder" of innocent people, fear, hunger and great need!
Do you not see the game of the evil one who manipulates you? Look behind the scenes and keep your emotions in check! Only love will bring you forward and give you joy again! You must remain calm and you must pray to Jesus! Whoever is with Jesus will neither stir up quarrels nor let himself be provoked, but you must give yourselves completely to HIM and affirm again and again: Lord, your will be done, not mine! Only in this way can the Lord act, guide and direct you and send His Holy Spirit upon you AND THE OTHERS so that you gain clarity and knowledge and live His will, NOT yours.
My children. You must rely completely on Jesus, trust in HIM and become one with HIM! Give HIM your YES again and again and consecrate yourselves to HIM! Consecrate every new day to the Lord and ask HIM to guide and take over your day. Then you will live the remaining days with HIM and at HIS side, and HE will be there to redeem you and to save you from all evil, so that you can enter into the glory of the Father, respectively into HIS New Kingdom, as soon as the day for it has come.
My children. Trust in Jesus, love Him, and put Him first as your "Life Shaper". Thus you will always be protected in the Lord, and your life will be for the joy of the Lord.
Come, My children, come, and wait no longer, for the distress in your world is escalating, the lies you are being told are increasing, and soon you will find it difficult to recognize the truth.
Whoever is not with My Son will then perish, therefore prepare yourselves, for not much time remains to you. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- Listen to the word of your Blessed Mother Mary and prepare yourselves. Only those who trust in Jesus will "survive", but all others will be "thrown to the beast". Believe and trust, because that is how it will be when the demons of the prince of darkness now spread more and more in your world.
I, an angel from the 7 choirs, tell you. Amen.
--- "Listen and prepare yourselves, for "the thunderclap" will soon be heard in the sky. Believe and trust. The Holy Angels of the Father. Amen."
Source: ➥