Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, July 11, 2014
Whoever surrounds himself with darkness will not be able to bear the light of My Son!
- Message No. 616 -

My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children the following: The light of the earth that My Son gives you brings you joy and courage and makes you happy.
A person -a soul- who lives in darkness will never experience true happiness. It, the soul, begins to wilt, like a flower that is deprived of sunlight. The person becomes sad, feels desolation, has no more courage to live, no more joy.
Many fall into states of anxiety, worry, depression. Hopelessness spreads through them, and they feel no happiness at all. The soul slowly "dies off," that is, darkness spreads within it and takes over, and the person falls into deep desolation, which can lead to physical death, because where joy is missing, the soul and body become ill.
My children. Live in the light of My Son, for only in this way will you experience true happiness, live in His joy and attain eternal life at His and the Father's side!
Whoever surrounds himself with darkness will not be able to bear the light of My Son. He will be blinded and run away, and his eternity will belong to the devil, for he is prince of darkness, and only there, in darkness and negativity, he feels at ease. The light of My Son, however, he cannot stand. He must give way, because the divine light inflicts pain and suffering on him.
That is why, My so beloved children, he tries to pull you all into darkness and to make it "palatable" to you with all his seductions! He takes you further and further into sin and darkness, and before you know it, you are addicted to this sinful state, which gives you false/transient feelings of happiness through (extreme) kicks.
Let go of the devil's temptations and get to know true happiness. This you will find in My Son, and only through HIM it will be given to you.
My children. The devil brings dependence, darkness and damnation, but My Son gives you love, joy, happiness and fulfillment. So come into His arms and let go of the sinful life into which the devil draws you.
Give your YES to My Son, so you too will know true, living, everlasting joy, and nothing will be able to turn you away from your way to the Father, because the one who truly, sincerely and with all his heart loves My Son, lives with HIM and lets HIM shape his life, will know the glorious glory of the Lord, live in it and be happy forever. Amen.
With deep love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "Come into My Holy Redeemer Arms, and I will guide you through your last days on earth. Each one I will bring to the Father, and eternal happiness will be given to him.
Come, My children, and give Me your YES. Thus, the promises will be fulfilled for you, and the demons of the devil, as well as the prince of darkness himself, must depart from you. Believe and trust in Me. In deep love, your Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children. Amen."
Source: ➥