Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, July 20, 2014
So your sinful deeds, words and thoughts will become less and less!
- Message No. 625 -

My child. My dear child. Trust in the word of the Lord, because it is the only thing that will bring you happiness and joy!
My children. You must trust completely in Jesus and live according to His teachings. HE is the only one who will lead you to the Father and give you eternity in Paradise, the New Kingdom, but this is only possible if you give HIM your YES and center your life on HIM and HIS teachings.
My children. At every corner the devil sets traps for you, and even if you don't step into them right away, he attacks people around you to make you restless and upset. He never rests, so always be on your guard.
Only My Son can save you from the devil's traps! He can forgive your sins and wash you clean and give salvation to your soul! Only He is authorized to do this and has appointed for this, for the forgiveness of sin, His consecrated priests.
Use the sacrament of confession and do penance, because this way you can be forgiven and your soul can be healed! Repent of everything that is impure before the Lord and place yourselves completely in His care. Thus, your sinful deeds, words and thoughts will become less and less and you will give great joy to the Lord.
My children. The Lord loves you! He, the Almighty Father, created you out of the purest love! Out of this love, HE sent you His Son, and He, your Jesus, also out of this love for you, gave His life for you, so that you may find your way out of sinfulness and walk the true way home! Every misstep on this way will be forgiven, out of this infinite and purest love, if you repent, atone and -who (still) can- confess it.
My children. Use this so Holy Sacrament and always be in the state of grace of the Lord, because in this way your soul will not be lost, and eternal life on the Lord's side will be given to you.
My children. Your confession is so important! Use this Holy Sacrament to wash yourselves clean of sin, and be penitent in your hearts. Only those who repent will be forgiven, but not those who are cold-hearted and unrepentant!
My children. Pray, pray, pray, for your world is in upheaval! Only your prayer will save you from many things!
Turn back, My children, those who have not yet given your YES to My Son, for only those who are with Jesus will experience joy.
Believe and trust, for Jesus is your only way. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥