Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
The foretold is now being fulfilled!
- Message No. 642 -

My child. My dear child. Good Morning. Please tell the children of the earth today that We love them. Strengthened, We will now be among them, for your prayers as a remnant army will be answered.
Later: My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: The world in which you live will come to an end. The predicted is now coming true, and soon "the dark" will overshadow your world, restrict you and then dominate you. You must be strong, My children, because the worst is yet to begin.
For a long time the preparations for this time have been made by the evil one. For hundreds of years he forged them and began to implement them slowly and gradually -in tiny pieces- so that you would not notice. "A little bit of evil, what's the big deal," many kept saying to themselves.
But this "little bit" has now become a world domination that can no longer be stopped, but, My beloved children, this only seems so, because all of you who belong to the remnant army of My Son will be saved, but there is no salvation for those who did not join My Son in time.
My children. Hold on and persevere! The end of the end is just beginning, and much you will still have to endure and suffer, but My Son will always be with the one who sincerely loves HIM, has entrusted and surrendered himself to HIM.
My children. Pray, pray, pray and always adhere to the teachings of My Son. Take Our warnings seriously, for they will save you from decay and falling away.
On then, My children, for the battle has begun. The decision will soon be made, but the road to it is "bumpy". Only those who are deep in faith will be able to walk it. So consolidate yourselves in My Son and everything will be good for you "in the end".
With love, My children.
Your Mother in Heaven always praying and interceding for you. Mother of all God's children and Mother of Lourdes. Amen.
Source: ➥