Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 23, 2014
A gift that wants to be earned!
- Message No. 662 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Today, please tell Our children to convert, because only through their conversion will they be saved from the worst, only through repentance, penance and the Holy Sacrament of Confession will they be washed clean of sin by Jesus, My Son, and only in this way will they have a chance of eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven and of entering the New Kingdom when the time comes.
My children. Hurry up, because the great event of the vision of the soul is about to take place! Purify yourselves and do not deprive yourselves of the wonderful experience of this unique experience that the Father is giving you through Jesus, His Holy Son.
My children. This moment can and will completely change your life - you - because you will see Jesus, experience His love, feel it, and you will be completely in security, purity and Divine Presence! But, My beloved children, this will be tangible and "glorious" for you only if you have prepared and purified yourself accordingly.
My children. "Just to meet" with your Lord and Savior is a gift that wants to be earned, but the Father loves you so much that this gift will be given to each of His children, that is, to you, My beloved children. But only those who are pure and prepared will be able to draw from the fullness of this so precious and wonderful event. Whoever continues to "dilly-dally", not preparing himself for His Savior and Redeemer, will have his eyes and ears "shuddering", i.e. he will fall into fear and even panic and will not receive this so generous and unique gift that will prepare the way for him into the Lord's eternity, although it will be given to him. He will be incapable of accepting it, because the Adversary is lying in wait for him, and having stayed in the world of the earthly-material, false doctrines and idolatries, he will go to the one who put this into the world and perish miserably.
My children. Prepare yourselves, for only Jesus is your way! So get up, turn around and confess! Purify yourselves through Holy Confession, through repentance and penance and sacrifice! In this way you will be ready for the great day and receive Jesus with dignity. Fall on your knees as soon as the signs appear in the sky and enjoy this indescribable moment that Jesus will prepare for you with His love.
Rejoice, My children, for this day is not long in coming and prepare yourselves, for it will be wonderful!
With deep and joyful love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥