Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, August 29, 2014
Become witnesses of the "miracles" that We work in you!
- Message No. 670 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children today how healing it is to travel to Our Holy Places. You will find strength and power, faith and confidence! You are gifted with graces, and change takes place in you and in your lives, first in small ways and then, more and more noticeably, in you and around you!
My children. Seek out your holy places! Come to Us and pray to Us! My Son is waiting for you! I am waiting for you!
My children. There is no more beautiful gift on your earth than to be bestowed with the graces of Heaven. Come for it and feel the joy that will spread in your heart and the love that will flow in you!
My children. Seek out Our Holy Places and witness the "miracles" that We work in you! Whoever does not come to Us, does not believe in My Son, does not trust in Him and Us, misses this wonderful gift!
My children. Come and be blessed with graces and begin to live your life with Us. You will be witnesses of the great joy and love of My Son, and the graces I will obtain for you from the Lord will be great.
Come, My children, and set out. In this way, you too will experience the miracles that We have in store for all the Lord's children. So be it.
With deep and all-embracing love, your Mother of Lourdes.
Source: ➥