Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Accept the sacrifice of atonement in love!
- Message No. 676 -

My child. My dear child. Thank you. Your atonement will benefit many as a sacrifice.
My child. Today, please tell Our children how important the atonement is. Accept it and offer it up and let everything be done in love.
My children. So much good you can give when you accept atonement for others. Especially the sick, the helpless, the lost and the unscrupulous benefit from it as love in their hearts, as a "helping hand", as a "divine spark and inspiration", as a guide and above all as conversion.
My children. So many people/souls find love for Jesus through the acceptance of atonement -your acceptance of atonement-. Whether they suffer through illness, whether they suffer through being alone, whether they suffer because they are lost, or whether they suffer and therefore commit unscrupulous acts, for each one who does not meet the other in love carries suffering within himself, in his soul, and it expresses itself in the most diverse forms and even to the point of brutality.
My children. Accept the sacrifice of atonement in love and become completely one with your Jesus.
I thank you, My so beloved children, and I bless you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Lourdes. Amen.
"Conversion is what is necessary to find the Lord. Repent, dear children, or you will not see God. Amen.
The communion of saints. Amen."
Source: ➥