Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 22, 2014
Soon you will not be able to distinguish the truth from Satan's lie!
- Message No. 695 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell Our children the following today: The way that leads you to the Father is My Son. Only through HIM and with HIM will you attain the Kingdom of Heaven, but without HIM you will be lost to the Adversary and His charlatans.
My children. The time is pressing. The gates of the New Kingdom will soon be opened, but only Jesus can lead you there. Without Him you are lost! So confess HIM, My beloved children, and wait no longer.
The confusion and the lies, which the devil is sowing now, will become more and more and more dense, and soon you will not be able to distinguish the truth from Satan's lie.
You are lulled and do not realize it, and to break out of the illusory world of the beast is difficult, because the mists and veils that he puts around you lead you deeper and deeper into his world of lies, and thus you move further and further away from the truth, from My Holy Son and from the Father, who eagerly awaits your return home and sadly has to see how you let yourselves be caught by the one who has only evil in store for you and whose only satisfaction lies in the suffering of others.
My children. Wake up and confess Jesus! Cry "YES" to Jesus, and with this YES to My Son break through the "world of illusion" of Satan!
Only Jesus is the way home! HE is the only way to the Father! So call out to HIM and shout your YES! So the mists and veils will be broken and you will "see" My Son.
Confess to HIM, to your Savior and Redeemer, because HE will take the fetters of the beast from you.
Trust in HIM, and you will not perish. Amen. So be it.
With love and My motherly blessing, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥