Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, September 29, 2014
A heart full of fear is ruled by the devil!
- Message No. 701 -

My child. My dear child. Write, My beloved daughter, for it is important that Our Word be heard.
Please tell the children of the earth again today how IMPORTANT prayer is! Without prayer you would all be lost, because prayer gives you strength and support and confidence! It protects you, it heals, and it helps to repent!
So pray, My children, because your prayer is strong and powerful and so full of strength that it not only mitigates, but PREVENTS the evil planned deeds of the devil and his elite group, as well as ALL of his followers!
Pray, then, My so beloved little ones, for I, your Father in Heaven, with all My Divine Love that I have for you, ask that you may all return to ME and that the devil may lose his power over you and never exercise it again!
My children, My children so loved by ME: Come into My Holy Father's arms, back home to ME, your Creator, WHO I AM, your Father, WHO loves you so much -and much more than you are able to imagine-, because the image that so many have of ME consists of fearful feelings, because for centuries the devil has made you this image of ME.
Your ancestors use(d) ME, your Holy Creator in Heaven, as a "fear method" for the education (again) of your ancestors (their children) and you and always with raised forefinger, but, My children so loved by Me, I AM THE LOVE, THE PURITY, THE LIGHT AND THE EXISTENCE, i.e. I AM THE ONE WHO created you out of love! WHO gives you life! WHO loves you more than everything and WHO eagerly waits for your return WITHOUT scolding you, beating you, torturing you, because that is what the devil wants you to think of ME, that you are afraid of ME WHO AM PURE LOVE and thus do not turn to ME and My Son, your Jesus, because: Whoever is afraid of ME will not come to ME, and thus the devil has a free hand over you!
See through the tricks and wiles of the devil and turn back now, because: I AM A LOVING FATHER, your GOD and your CREATOR, and anyone who finds his way to ME, HIS Father who loves him so much, I will shower him with MY DIVINE LOVE, "bathe" him in MY GRACE and give him rich gifts of MY DIVINE GIFTS!
Never be afraid of ME, of your GOD FATHER in heaven, because I AM YOUR CREATOR, I AM THE PURE LOVE, YOUR FATHER, and with LOVE I will give you and wash you clean, but never will I rebuke you or do evil, because what you are afraid of comes ALONE (! ) from the devil, because from ME, YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, only love can come, because I AM LOVE! AMEN!
So come to ME without fear but full of repentance, because a repentant heart finds the way home, a heart full of fear however is (still) dominated by the devil!
My children. I, your Father in Heaven, am waiting for you full of longing! I have created a wonderful new home for each one of you, a home that is free from evil and where the devil has no access (for 1000 years). After that, glory in eternity comes at MY side (after the New Kingdom that MY Son will "rule".)
So now let go of EVERYTHING (!) earthly and commit yourselves completely to MY Son. HE will guide you, because HE is the ONLY one who knows MY plans!
So confess to HIM, to MY Holy Son, and begin to go the way home -to ME-. Amen.
In fatherly love, your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Source: ➥