Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Rome is taking the first step towards this!
- Message No. 721 -

My child. My daughter so beloved by Me. Today, please tell the children of the earth the following: All that is being presented to you now from Rome is for the sole purpose of supporting the world domination of the devil and TO PUT THE WEALTHY IN HELL FOR ALL THE CHILDREN OF GOD(!!! ), so that the devil can feast on the torment of the souls of the faithful, for it is these that are so difficult to capture, but with the help of his so cunning plans and schemes, the infiltration of the Holy Catholic Church and his servants in ALL ranks of your world affairs, it is now easy for him to push you, who were faithful Christians, into his hell, because Rome sets the first step to it, and you blindly follow those who "work" infiltrated by the devil in the highest places!
My children. The deviants are everywhere, but those who are the most dangerous for the believing children are those who do all the evil in your Holy Church! You cannot consider all religions the same, because only the One is from Jesus Himself. All others are infiltrated and changed by human hands, but not the One that Jesus left you! But you must be vigilant, for His Church is infiltrated and not one successor of Peter is its head!
So run to Jesus and follow only HIM! Never follow those who run away, because they carry out the plans of the devil! Come to Jesus, My children, for HE will strengthen you, guide you and show you the truth, but you must be completely with HIM and not listen to the "self-appointed" representatives of HIM!
Your church is infiltrated, infected by the lies of the evil one, but your religion will last forever, but Jesus is the head, because the last true pope was expelled!
My children. Be vigilant and pray and ask for the enlightenment from the Holy Spirit. You MUST get in touch with Heaven, because the lies, the confusion and the danger of downfall by choosing the wrong path will only increase!
Jesus is your way! No one who runs away from you! So hold fast to His Word and CHANGE NOTHING IN YOUR HOLY MEASURES! All changes serve to keep you away from My Son, your Jesus, so hold fast to what HE taught you and do not change anything in His Word, His Holy Eucharist, the Holy Mass Ritual! Remain completely hidden in HIM, i.e. hold fast to HIM and His Holy Word. In this way you will not get lost and you will survive even the worst time. So be it.
Call to Me, to your Holy Mother in Heaven, and I will come to lead you to My Son. Amen. I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥