Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
- Message No. 723 -

My child. My dear child. Listen to what I, your Mother who loves you so much, have to say today to the children of the earth: Your world is passing away, but you do not see it. You do not interpret the signs of the times, but trivialize them and talk them "beautifully", beautifully for the takeover of the world domination of the devil, because if you do not finally begin to recognize the truth, then you play the power and your soul straight to the devil!
My children. Begin to awaken from your slumber and prepare yourselves and your loved ones: The end is at your door, but you just look past it! You do not perceive it, and this will cost you dearly and painfully, because whoever does not prepare himself will enter hell, but whoever wakes up, recognizes the truth and accepts it and repents to prepare himself, the gates of heaven will be open to him, because Jesus will come to redeem everyone who honestly and sincerely and full of love confesses HIM in his heart.
My children. Do not wait any longer, because the time that remains for you now is extremely short. Run into the arms of Jesus and give Him your YES! Let yourselves be led and guided by HIM, your Holy Redeemer, and purify yourselves. Much purification is still needed, and it will take place all over the place!-, so prepare yourselves now and go the way Jesus went. In this way you will be worthy to come before the Father when the time comes.
My children. Don't give up and fight for your Jesus! He is the only one who leads you home, without Him you are lost. So confess now and wait no longer!
The plagues that will now come upon your earth are great and the cleansing that must be accomplished is tremendous! Be prepared for it and do not perish! JESUS IS YOUR HOLD(!), IN EVERY SITUATION!
Convert to HIM and become devout children of the Lord again. Only Jesus is the way! There is no other. Amen.
With deep, sincere and motherly love, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥