Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, October 23, 2014
You will find everything written there that you need for this time that is now taking place!
- Message No. 725 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Today, please tell the children of the earth to follow My call, because whoever does not hear Me, does not follow My Son and does not set out on the way to God the Father, it will end badly for him. He will be lost to the devil, because he has not listened to his Holy Mother in Heaven, has not followed My call, has not confessed My Son and thus cannot set out on the way home to the Father.
My children. You must confess! You must repent and run to My Son in the Holy Arms stretched out to you! Read My messages carefully, for you will find written there everything you need to prepare for this time that is now taking place! Do not get lost to the devil by doing nothing and just continue to live before you as if nothing is happening!
You are living in the illusory world of the devil and you urgently need to break out of it, because true life does NOT take place in this world, but ONLY with My Son! Run to HIM! Confess yourselves to HIM! And finally realize the truth! Jesus is your way! Your salvation and your salvation, and only through HIM you will be saved!
So accept this so wonderful and so precious gift and give HIM, the Son of the Almighty Father, your UNRESTRICTED YES! Thus HE will be able to act through you, to lead you and to bring you into the glory of the Father. Do not waste this chance, because it is about your salvation!
Run to Jesus and do not wait any longer! Soon it will be too late for your conversion. Amen.
Get up and do not get lost. The evil one is lying in wait for you to steal your soul, but you do not see this truth either, because you close yourselves off from it!!!
Open yourselves to Jesus, and your salvation will begin. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥