Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, October 25, 2014
- Message No. 728 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Today, please say the following to the children of the earth: Never despair, My children so beloved of Me, for evil must come to pass so that good may prevail!
Jesus will come to you and free you from "slavery" and deceit, from the fishing nets and machinations of the evil one, who is doing everything he can to capture as many more souls as possible to inflict suffering and pain on God the Father, but he knows that his hour has struck and the end is closer than the goal of his evil plans: the takeover of your world.
So enter completely into the love of My Son and unite with Him! Let your light shine, because in this way you are always connected with Us -Heaven! Never will We leave you alone and exposed to the devil, but you must be strong and pray! Your prayer is your strongest weapon, and it unites you with Us!
Never give up and distance yourselves more and more from everything earthly! In this way, the devil will no longer have a target over you and will not be able to annoy or harm you.
My children. You must be strong now, because the end of the end has already begun. You must remain faithful to Jesus, because only in this way will you survive everything unharmed. Do not be dragged down by all the evil and satanic in your world, because: YOU CARRY THE LIGHT OF THE LORD WITHIN YOU, AND THAT LIGHT WILL ALWAYS SHINE, if you remain faithful to Jesus, defend HIM, and follow Our Word.
So do not give up and unite with Us. Follow Our call and pray, pray, pray! Your prayer keeps you "up", it strengthens you, it gives you strength and perseverance. So do not stop praying and pray in the intentions of My Son!
Pray as soon as We call you and especially in the times that We keep calling you. Soon all will be accomplished and the keys to the New Kingdom will be given to My Son.
Persevere, My beloved children, and know that I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am always there for you.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
--- "My Son will come to redeem you, and the time for it is at hand.
God Most High. Creator of your being and of all being. Amen."
Source: ➥