Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
So that the time after the warning will not be too bad!
- Message No. 740 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. My children. Don't worry about the how and the when of the end times, because We will accompany you on your way, guide you every step of the way, but you have to be ready for Jesus and orient yourselves and your lives completely to HIM and wait no longer, because the end has already begun!
My children. Everything that will come will be bearable for you, as long as you have strengthened yourselves in Jesus. You must trust completely in Him, and you must be prepared: In spirit, in the way you live, in your homes! Leave nothing to "chance", but listen to Our Word in these messages. Provide and stock up. You need food and plenty of water. You will need candles and gas stoves or firewood if you have cooking equipment, and also for warmth in your homes if you are in cold climates.
My children. Begin now to purchase supplies so that you will be prepared when the time comes. Canned durable goods, flour, rice, canned pickled meats, legumes, etc. Anything you can store up for the last time of the end times.
My children. Take care and have ALL candles consecrated! Look for alternatives now how to live without power supply, with water shortage and without fresh produce. Leave nothing to "chance", because the time will come when you will need all this.
Pray, My children, so that the time after the warning will not be too bad, and pray against all the evil plans of the devil. His Antichrist will come and plunge so many innocent souls into perdition.
Be warned, for he is Satan's son. His charm, his charisma are extremely dangerous, and you must be strong and steadfast! He will pretend to be My Son, and crowds will fall at his feet.
Be warned, My children, for he who sits on the throne is not My Son. He will come to conquer, but He will not dwell among you!
My children. Get ready. You do not have much time left. Purify yourselves! Clean your houses! And prepare yourselves and everything! The end is coming faster than you think. So run to Jesus now, love HIM, consolidate yourselves in HIM and go all the steps that We tell you again and again in these and other messages. Amen. So be it.
With deep and sincere love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
"Time is short. Turn back, lest you be lost, and prepare yourselves, for the end is at your door. Amen. Mother of God and the saints of the Communion of Saints. Amen."
Source: ➥