Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, November 8, 2014
What you do not understand now will soon be shown to you who are faithful to ME!
- Message No. 743 -

My child. My dear child. Be completely with Us, My beloved daughter, and listen to what We, your loving Mother in Heaven, Jesus and God our Father, want to say to the children of the earth and to you: Your time on earth is passing quickly, beloved children, so it is important to make your way home as soon as possible so as not to be lost and "at the mercy" of the devil.
My children. Convert and find the way to ME, to your Father in Heaven, WHO I AM, because great is MY love for you, and merciful and just is MY Son, your Jesus. So run to HIM and find the way to the New Glory, which I have created full of love for all of you.
My children. Come into My Holy Redeemer Arms, and be healed from all the abominations of this world! Become one with ME, with your Jesus, and together we will go the way to the Father. Wait no longer, for soon mercy will give way to justice and then, My beloved children, you should ALL have already found Me.
My children. I love you with all MY DIVINE BEING, and I deliver you from the snares of evil as soon as you ask ME and give ME your YES.
I, your Holy Jesus, stand ready for you, and MY coming draws nearer with each passing day. Keep your eyes and ears open, for MY adversary will also come to blind you and steal from you.
Be vigilant at all times, for he who will pretend to be ME IS NOT ME. He is the son of the evil one and will bring you damnation and destruction.
Remain faithful to ME, My beloved children, and do not be deceived! The deceptions have already begun.
So be vigilant and see what you pray for! Always pray in MY intentions and NEVER FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EVIL!
Be warned, for the evil one deceives you in all areas, even in prayer!!!
My children. What you do not understand now will soon be shown to you, who are faithful to ME.
Believe and trust and listen to Our Word in these messages. Amen. I love you, your Jesus. Savior of the world, with My Father, God Almighty and My Holy Mother, Co-Redemptrix in these end times. Amen.
"My child. Make this known. The time is pressing. Amen. Your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much. Amen."
Source: ➥