Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
HE is the key to the New "World"!
- Message No. 747 -

My child. Listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, have to say to the children today: You must confess Jesus, My Holy Son, because only HE is your salvation and the only way to the New Kingdom! Without Him you will be lost and your hope for love, for joy and for security will perish, because you will not attain the Kingdom without Jesus, and all hope in you will "die", and most agonizingly you will be mistreated, and there will be no way out for you.
My children. Confess now and wait no longer, for the end has begun, and soon it will knock at your door.
Prepare yourselves, My children, and pray, for only through the prayer of all of you will you ward off the worst of the planned evils. Moreover, it makes you strong, strengthens the hope and faith within you, and brings you ever a little closer to Jesus and God the Father!
Pray, My children, and do not forget to call upon the Holy Spirit for CLARITY, GUIDANCE, ENLIGHTENMENT and PURITY! Especially in this time it is essential to ask the Holy Spirit of the Father. The confusion is already great, but it will become more and more. Therefore, pray to the Holy Spirit for clarity, and ask the Holy Archangel Michael for protection, especially also from confusion and lies.
At all times you must be connected to the Holy Spirit of the Father and always ask for guidance. Protection and guidance and "enlightenment" will keep you from going astray and astray, so pray daily and as often as you can/think of it, for that is how you will be preserved.
My children. The times are darkening now, but you need not fear. Jesus is with you, there for you and protects you, but you must be faithful and devoted to Him. Focus your life completely and totally on Him and look forward to the New Kingdom. There you will be "rewarded" because the love, the glory, the joy and the glory that the Father has in store for you cannot be compared to anything that exists on your earth.
So persevere and stay completely with Jesus. HE is the key into the New "World". Amen. So be it.
With deep, motherly and sincere love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
--- Josep de Calaçenc: "Tell the children that We love them. Pray to your saints, for Our help We give you when you ask Us. Amen."
--- "My child. Sad am I today. I am suffering greatly, and My heart is weeping because of the desecrations in Rome. So much suffering, so much mischief, the devil is moving into the Vatican. The Church of My Holy Lord is polluted, and defiled and desecrated more and more.
My child. Pray for the intentions of Jesus and for the intentions of the Holy Mother of God, for they are the redeemers of this time, for Mary helps and supports her Son and is Coredemptrix in these end times. Pray to Her ! Pray to Jesus! And pray for peace in the hearts of all God's children and in the world. Thank you.
Your Saint Bonaventure. Amen."
--- "My child. Your prayer is important. Do not let it cease. Our Lady and the communion of saints. Amen."
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