Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, November 14, 2014
The birth of My Son and not pagan Völlfest!
- Message No. 749 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your Mother in Heaven, want to say today to the children of the earth: The time that remains to you is short, and you should use it well and prudently, for all digressions distance you from My Son, and every step you take toward the "outside" -into the world of appearances- distances you from the path to the Father, for you are distracted, exposed to seductions, and not with Us, with My Son, for the one who is truly with My Son will not care about the "outside," for he is completely with My Son and needs nothing more. But the one who continues to run after earthly consumption and pleasures, he must learn to be completely with My Son and to put HIM above all the "appearances" of this devilish world!
My children. Find completely to Jesus and leave earthly goods and temptations! Do not expose yourselves to the world of the devil, because it leads you astray. It does you no good, nor does it fulfill you, but My Son gives true joy and fulfillment. So stay completely with HIM, faithful and devoted to HIM, and do not celebrate HIS Holy Feast in the consumption frenzy! All this only distracts you from the essential, "scatters" you and brings bad influences in you, because all this consumption is wanted by the devil to distract from the feast of love. You will never find love in earthly goods, but with My Son!
So confess and reflect and prepare yourselves! Let go of the consumption frenzy and celebrate intimately and become aware of the so great gift from the Father: The birth of HIS Son as a human child among you (humans), Divine and yet human at the same time, the Lord, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, HIS HOLY SON!
Be aware of it and reflect! Give joy to My Son and visit Him in Holy Mass adoration. Do not celebrate a feast of the pagans, without Mass, without Jesus and only in the intoxication of pleasure and consumption!
Stop and find the true roots of your Christmas: The birth of My Son, Jesus Christ, who came as the Messiah and Savior of you all! Pay respect and honor to Him, because it is a Holy Time and a Holy Feast, full of love, full of hope, full of faith and full of joy.
So now make Our Word known and stop in your "Christmas stress"! The birth of My Son and not pagan Völlfest! You may quietly give your little ones a joy, but do not shower them with material things, and tell them about Jesus.
Enjoy this time that Christmas gives you, because it is a very special one: Your Messiah was born more than 2000 years ago, and HE will come again, but not dwelling among you as a man.
So spread the good news, because already 2000 years ago people were looking forward to HIM. So you also rejoice and be hopeful, because My Son will come to take you to His New Kingdom, just as We tell you again and again. HE WILL NOT LIVE UNDER YOU, but HE will come to conquer. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥