Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Your church leader is implementing evil plans!
- Message No. 753 -

You must increase your prayer now!
My child. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: You must strengthen your prayer now, because the dark times are approaching, and nothing good they bring with them!
Your world events look bad, i.e. it threatens to escalate, and NOBODY will then stand there as a winner. ALL of you will lose, and only the devil laughs most mockingly, because it is his plan to plunge you into wars and to steal the light of My Son. Since he cannot do the latter, he obfuscates and blinds you, feeds you sweet lies and seduces you! Bitterness these lies, disguised as "flattery", will cause in you, and you yourselves will do evil and wrong, because the devil has contaminated you!
Remain faithful to My Son and stay away from the "movement" that is currently underway: your church leader is implementing evil plans, but they are disguised and embedded in "rights" for the poor, for those in need of help, for homosexuals.... the list is endless. In all these "superficial" "rights" and "helps" you do not see what he is really about and how much damage he is doing to you. You get lost in the "fight for rights" and don't see how much sinister harm all the helps bring!
Children, be warned, because what looks superficially good and loving is the appearance of an impenetrable wall, built by the elite of this world, so that you do not see what is happening behind it and really! Read Our messages carefully, and put 1 and 1 together! You are closer to the end than you think, and you are "led" by the servants of the devil!
Do not trust in men, but trust in My Son! You must be careful, because the serpent is everywhere among you, and one poisonous bite from him can cost you eternity! Remain faithful to Jesus and pray, pray, pray!
We call you to pray especially for peace in your world and in the hearts of all God's children; for clarity and purity to the Holy Spirit; for perseverance and TRUST in My Son and for conversion of all the lost children who follow "Satan" without often even suspecting it!
My children. Pray also for your world leaders, because they are exposed to the greatest pressure by the supreme servants of the serpent! Pray and wrap them in My mantle of protection. My Son will also assist them, if you ask Him reverently.
The graces that the Father gives are great, and the "Holy Time" is about to begin. Take advantage of it and honor My Son! Praise the Father and visit your Holy Churches! Keep adoration and attend Holy Mass. Purify yourselves!
My Son was born for all of you, My children, so that you may enter into the glory of the Father. So celebrate Christmas with love and the greatest gratitude in your heart, because the Father has given you HIS Son for the redemption of sins and the world!
Prepare yourselves for the Holy Time, for it is precious and full of grace.
I love you, My children. Be grateful and faithful and always remain in love for My Son and among yourselves. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥